Riddle :
There are three people,
Person 1 makes & sells it.
Person 2 buys it, but doesn’t use it.
Person 3 uses it & doesn’t realise it.
What is it ?
I’ve given up, but it’s still bugging me !
Riddle :
There are three people,
Person 1 makes & sells it.
Person 2 buys it, but doesn’t use it.
Person 3 uses it & doesn’t realise it.
What is it ?
I’ve given up, but it’s still bugging me !
A coffin.
Now I have a decent reason to use this smiley for the first time
Thanks Wolfie… It’s always so obvious once you know the answer… Or was it obvious to everyone before too
It helps when you Google.
[sub] Wolfie now extremely glad I’m miles an’ miles away … ducking an’ runnin’ like hell …![/sub]
No need to duck and run, it’s your birthday week. Though if it wasn’t I’d throw heavy, sharp-edged things at you
Nah, I deserved it. Out of interest, what keywords did you search on ? I’m always interested in improving my googling.
I used:
riddle + “three people” + makes + sells
I ended up with this riddle page.
Took me a couple of combinations, tho’. I ain’t DDG!
If it helps, Goo, I had no idea either. Neither did the twelve people who viewed the thread before me, probably.
Nothing else to add. OP Goo, last post Wolfie. C’mon, I had to post something. Got any beer?
Now, beer I have. I think this thread is turning into a BBQ
Here, have a Cascade with me, as I celebrate the end of Maths exams for all time !
I’ve only got a mug o’ fake coffee right now, but I’ll toast that!