A riddle that's driving me batty

Riddle :

There are three people,

Person 1 makes & sells it.
Person 2 buys it, but doesn’t use it.
Person 3 uses it & doesn’t realise it.

What is it ?

I’ve given up, but it’s still bugging me ! :smiley:

A coffin.

Now I have a decent reason to use this smiley for the first time


Thanks Wolfie… It’s always so obvious once you know the answer… Or was it obvious to everyone before too :frowning:

It helps when you Google.

[sub] Wolfie now extremely glad I’m miles an’ miles away … ducking an’ runnin’ like hell …![/sub]

No need to duck and run, it’s your birthday week. Though if it wasn’t I’d throw heavy, sharp-edged things at you :smiley:

Nah, I deserved it. Out of interest, what keywords did you search on ? I’m always interested in improving my googling.

I used:
riddle + “three people” + makes + sells

I ended up with this riddle page.

Took me a couple of combinations, tho’. I ain’t DDG!

If it helps, Goo, I had no idea either. Neither did the twelve people who viewed the thread before me, probably.

Nothing else to add. OP Goo, last post Wolfie. C’mon, I had to post something. Got any beer?

Now, beer I have. I think this thread is turning into a BBQ :slight_smile:

Here, have a Cascade with me, as I celebrate the end of Maths exams for all time !

I’ve only got a mug o’ fake coffee right now, but I’ll toast that!