A SDMB Moderator Appreciation Thread

First, I’d like to point out that this is NOT an ass-kissing thread. I don’t kiss ass, period. If the rest of you feel the fervent desire to plant your lips on a few cheeks, there’s not much I can do to stop you, but I’m stating upfront in no uncertain terms that this is not my purpose here.

I’ve just come from reading this thread in GD. And what a train wreck that was, despite some well-reasoned responses by a number of posters. Mercifully, Gaudere stepped in and put that dying horse out of its misery, and I couldn’t help but agree completely with her assessment.

There have been many times here when I’ve come across a thread that just makes my jaw drop in awe of the lack of respect people sometimes show to each other, but I am continuely impressed by the grace and dignity that our mods usually display when handling all the people that inhabit this board. I’m not saying the mods are perfect; they make mistakes just like everyone else. But they do one hell of a job here for the most part and put up with a ton of crap.

As I said, I’ll give you no ass-kissing. But I will give you guys a pat on the back for a job well-done and my sincere thanks for keeping this board a civilized place.

[sub]It’s been said before, I know, but you deserve all the thanks and praise you receive. And the admins, too.[/sub]

Thanks, mrblue92. Always nice to be appreciated. :slight_smile:

White nose guy checking in.

Ditto on the above.

Helluva’ job drivin.

btw, that was in reference to a like distaste in asskissin’, not a preference for cocaine.

You know what really pisses me off? The bestest posters become mods and they frickin’ stop posting! Oh, they do the “fixed your code,” the “your thread is now at” and the “I’m locking this thread because you’re a complete loon in full molt” posts, but actual substantive posts? Noooooo. I haven’t seen a DavidB post in weeks, Coldfire seems less active and I am really disappointed that I see TVeblen around so little. If Uke goes off his feed too, why…why…I’ll sulk or something.

Chronos, on the other hand, has been freed from the chains of oppression and seems to have rediscovered the joy of post, thank god.

And manny too. Was he really starting to snap in GQ? Who cares? The real issue was that he wasn’t posting enough real posts for my personal taste.

Once you’re a mod, you’re expected to make responsible decisions and be impartial, and posting opinions and flaming trolls like you used to doesn’t exactly convey impartiality.

Thank g-d Uncle Beer will always be Uncle Beer.

How do you know he’ll never be Grandpa Beer? (Or perhaps by that point Grandpa Wine Spritzer or Grandpa Metamucil will be more appropriate…)

I don’t like any of the moderators.

What we have here is a tyranny, and I don’t know why we put up with it. There’s more of us than them. We could overthrow them easily by the sheer force of numbers. Who’s with me?

Nobody, huh?

Okay, then. In that case, I was just kidding. Heh.