A serious question for Sam Stone on Factual Errors

The above is as good a takedown of Sam’s intellectual dishonesty as we’ve seen on this Board. In fact, the entire Durham thread… started by Sam, of course… is a testament to the complete and total intellectual and moral collapse of Sam’s beloved Right (and Sam himself!) as they both pivot from the post-war order to side with America’s historic enemies, against America herself.

Background: September 2021, Sam Stone starts this thread about the Durham investigation:

The Durham indictments prosecuting fake Trump 'collusion'

Nothing came of it. In fact, it was an ignominious end to the man’s career.

But just two days ago, the NY Times ran an expose showing that the Durham investigation was a complete political hit job, even to the point where the investigation found evidence of crimes committed by Trump and covered them up.

You can read this article via the gift link in this post by @ShadowFacts :

The Durham indictments prosecuting fake Trump 'collusion' - #471 by ShadowFacts

This is a Board dedicated to fighting ignorance - the way I describe it to my friends is that ‘you can say whatever, but if you’re asked, you had better back up your bullshit with some data or you will get your ass handed to you’. But Sam uses the SDMB to spread ignorance, to spread science denial, to literally open up an entire thread like the one above, get proven completely wrong, not by other Dopers, but by the entire Federal Judiciary … and, what, he gets to just slink away and start doing the same thing in other threads, spreading lies and disinformation?

This isn’t ATMB and maybe this post should be there, but for 20 years his entire MO has been to spread ignorance and, even worse, refuse to own up when he is factually wrong. Oh, I’m sure there’s a thread out there where he misidentified, like, an album some song was on or something and accepted the correction. Of course.

But the Durham thread? If you’re going to be that fucking wrong, Sam, then you need to buck 20 years of practice in the political/economic threads by manning up and admitting you made the wrong call. Because, no matter what you think, it’s this inability to even admit error which has destroyed your reputation around here, not your political views. Not even the wrongness. Just the refusal to admit when you’re wrong.

And when it came to Durham? Oooh, boy, were you ever so fucking wrong. As wrong as one could ever be.