A Smile, or Perhaps a Laugh? Beta Chan at Nine Months

Y’all make me smile!

Don’t be silly, BaneSidhe, look at him. Of course he is. ( :slight_smile: )

I was just wondering how you guys were doing. Obviously, you are all doing fine. Such a beautiful little family you have. sniffle

I’ve got a besotted grin on my face right now. What a CUTIE! Those two little teeth on the bottom! That adorable smile! That glow when she’s in her Daddy’s arms! You’ve got a gorgeous girl on your hands there, TokyoPlayer! I’m so glad to read that all’s going so well!


Anya and my niece are just a few days apart, so niece is also at “9 months at 2 teeth”. I’m so glad that your little one is doing well and has wonderful parents :slight_smile:

I’m tearing up right now. What a beautiful girl, and a beautiful family.

From a couple of days ago, Anya is learning how to purse her lips and make an uuu uuu uuu which she does consistantly. In an older person, it would be a sound of being impressed, but for her it’s just another fun thing to do.

Yesterday we went into town, and as she looked around in facination at all the new sights like tall buildings and bright signs, she kepts going uuu uuu uuu like someone from the sticks in New York for the first time, and everyone around us was laughing along with us.

Then she got sick and mommy was up with her all night long, and I’ll have tonight’s shift if needed. So, you get the work along with the fun.

She’s a cutie.