Well, not exactly. He just keeps spending the night at the girl who lives next door to me. He’s a complete arse.
Everytime he’s on the phone he talks loud enough that it sounds like he’s stood in my room having his conversation. He woke me up at 8 o’clock this morning having a fucking conversation on his phone (it’s a university holiday, I wanted a lie in). He’s woke me up even earlier than that a few times since Christmas. Everytime he leaves her room he slams the door, then stands right outside my room talking. It’s as though he has no method for communicating which isn’t at a 100dB noise level.
I’m not talking about just some posh fool either, I’m talking about a completely bona fide toff, the type that would literally go out fox hunting with daddy and co. The type that stop to talk in the most inconvenient place possible, completely oblivious to everyone around them and the chaos that they are causing. The guy is permanently dressed like Prince William, and, from what I can gather, is some sort of entrepeneur, hence the phone calls. If anyone has seen the annoying idiots on “Young, Posh and Loaded” on UK TV, then they have some idea of the kind of character that he is.
His accent is starting to grate inside my brain. I’ve become accutely aware of every nuance he has. Even his name, “Ted”, manages to piss me off, never mind the “Larry” who he was speaking to this morning.
To top it off, when I finally got up to go for a shower, I nearly broke my neck on a huge pile of stuff which they’d piled up between our two doors.
Well, at least it’s not Bertie Wooster talking to Gussie, Barmy, Tuppy, or Bingo.
Would you mind telling us more about the accent? Is it an ultra-upper peerage/Royal Family type accent, or is it something else and he’s trying super hard to seem aristocratic?
I feel your pain with the phone thing. One of my housemates only uses the phone outside my room when I’m asleep. Of course, she wakes me up. The annoying thing is there are phones in other rooms but she insists on using the one outside my room.
Ok, if you have a portable phone or a mobile phone, here’s what you do.
Next time he is talking outside your door, grab your phone and walk outdoors. Now I know you don’t want to get out of bed that early, but summon up the willpower. It will be worth it.
Pretend to be in the middle of a conversation with, oh, let’s say your doctor.
MDI: What’s that? You’re telling me I’ve got genital lice? THAT FUCKING BITCH GAVE ME AN STD, IS THAT WHAT YOU’RE TELLING ME?
MDI’s Dr. : …
MDI: Uh huh.
Dr.: …
Uh huh. Yeah. Wait, how much is treatment going to cost? WHAT? GODDAMMIT, THAT WHORE!
Speak in a loud an agitated manner. If PoshBoi doesn’t get the message and go back inside, finish your “conversation” with the doctor, then call up that skanky ho and give her an even louder earful. Repeat this procedure as necessary with other fictitious obnoxious conversations until Mr. Fox Hunter Jr. catches on.
… 40% of the university population is made up of them.
40%? Allow me to scoff: I’m sure St. Andrews had more than that. Of course, it might be hard to get a real figure, as they tend to be noisy and noticeable creatures.
A toff, is he? And I have as lief that next to 'im lives a ponce! And next to 'im is a sot! And next to 'im is a wanker! And next to 'im is a…uh…a bounder! And next to 'im is a… uhmmmmm… some Hindu fellow!