A wayward soul's MMP

Bunch of no shows for the shift today, and more packages than usual meant a loger day. But I get paid by the hour.

{{{{{shoe}}}} Nah, we’re here for you.

Jim, damn, that some stuff.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 52 Amurrkin out and cloudy (rain should start soon) with a predicted high of 53 and rain for the day. The big plan of the day is laundry, This will definitely be a good day to stay inside and dry. Sup shall be country fried steak 'n gravy, rice, and the leftover baby lima beans and squish casserole from Sunday.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

No time to read except to say welcome back Cap’t. I am an early bird today. Thought it was 7 but it was 5 when I got up so since I was up I have done laundry, unloaded/ reloaded the dishwasher, got the trash out, walked the dog and fed the cat. I must now get ready for irk.

Great sleep! Even with the odd dreams, I managed to stay crashed till nearly 6:30! Huzzah!!

Long range forecast shows lots of sun and slightly below normal temps many days, but no snow, so yay! I was thinking yesterday that I can start prepping my greenhouse for veggie seedlings - that will happen some time this week. And I’ve got at least 2 loads of laundry that can be run today - a good chance for me to get back to treading the mill. These last few weeks playing host and helping the inlaws was bad, dietarily. So back to it before my next blood draw.

I need to run to Food Lion again - they were out of non-fat milk and we’re almost out, too. Always something, yanno? And I need to help FCD haul a bunch of pellets out to his shop - with luck, the yard has dried enough that the wagon wheels won’t leave ruts.

Onward! Happy Tuesday!!

It’s college visit day for the high school, so Fang slept in a bit. That meant Spike and Squeaky had to take the bus this morning. They got up and got ready like champs. Squeaky was glued to the front windows, waiting for the young man across the street to head down to the bus stop, so they would know when to leave.

Fang is taking a virtual tour of the dorms at UTK, so he can make an informed decision for next year. He also has a zoom meeting with the the Commander of the Air Force ROTC, which he is interested in.

Mrs Magill got her bloodwork back yesterday, and she has a low white cell count, which concerns her PCP, so she’s off to see the Hematologist in a couple of weeks. We both feel a bit conflicted. If it’s something serious, that could move her up in the vaccine rota, which is good, but it would also mean that there is something serious, which is bad.

No breakfast this morning. Fast day.

Morning all. It’s the Great Food Shopping day here, so shortly I will get myself moving and go forth to trade green pieces of paper for various types of nourishment. Then back home to work on youth soccer some more. And the light came on to fill my gas tank, so that is also a to-do while I’m out and about. And running the dishwasher…boy, I am a hub of activity today…

From 70F days last week it is now 38F and only getting to the mid-50’s with more rain expected. Hope it starts drying up soon.

nellie, I’ve been a ‘counter’ (how many railcars in the train) since I was 5-6 and the main Erie Railroad line ran right across from my dad’s family home. We’ll have to do a Amtrak trip once the Plague is gone. Try Belem or Ft. Madison along with LaPlata.

Magic, hope the missus gets checked out OK.

OK, best be about…thinking about doing things. All y’all take care.

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s gloriously sunny and bright outside although still a bit crispy. This I know, I had to go out and haul the biiiiiiiig bin back off the pavement earlier. The weather app says “Shove those clouds up your fucking ass” and promises me 7C/45F all day, partly cloudy.

Cap’n story 1 - eeeeek! I wouldn’t have thought you had the weight to lose, you must have been in danger of falling down the shower drain if you were standing sideways. Story 2 - that is an awesome story! I watched a timelapse film of the set up of a stadium gig for Rammstein that I also attended, it was incredible watching the amount of work that went into putting it all together, and the number of people, vehicles and heavy equipment that it took.

metalmouse St David is the patron saint of Wales so he’s likely to chase you off with a daffodil and/or a leek for not knowing who he was!

I really enjoyed my relaxing day off yesterday but paid for it today with the amount of crazy that has landed in my inbox. I have plenty to keep me busy but little enthusiasm for any of it at the moment. That’s life, right? Anyway, I have done one load of laundry, attended a presentation that nearly bored me back to sleep, and have to amend some slides this afternoon for a training thing I need to do later. Grocery shopping this evening, and I plan to finish here early enough to squeeze in some exercise before we have to go out.

The day is setting up to be gorgeous: bright and sunny, high of 60F, and tomorrow is going to be even warmer. I’m making myself go for a walk today again - despite my brain churning relentlessly about things I can’t control, I’m way more energetic after yesterdays’ stroll.

What kept me awake are the boy’s grades. He has a D in one of his classes and will maybe, just maybe, squeak by with a C- or C by the end of the quarter if he plays his cards right. He started the quarter off with a whimper and terrible study habits despite the class being more difficult.

I’m keeping my mouth shut unless explicitly asked because learning to deal with difficult subject matter is a lesson in and of itself and the kid is also fully virtual which can’t be helping…but I still dreamed I met with his French teacher, who tested me on my ability to answer questions on Shakespearean literature in Spanish before agreeing to speak with me.

Talky - I fully sympathize. The younger two started the year off with online classes. It… did not go well. We moved them back to in-person learning after Christmas, after meeting with the middle school principal and talking with the young man across the street. The principal is apparently draconian in her mask enforcement, and it shows in her school’s numbers. I am perfectly fine with that.

I tread the mill for 70 minutes. The jeans are in the dryer and the shirts are in the washer. I just ate an orange.

Yep, exciting times here at FairyChatEstates…


Late mawnin all. Had a great start for the day, drank coffee whilst watching Nirvana being inducted into the Rock and Roll hall of fame. This happened back in 2014 but it still is a good show. So Dave, Krist and Pat get up to play and who do they have to front the band… Joan Jett, Kim Gordon, Annie Clark and Lorde. How effing punk rock is that? They also shouted out to Buzz from the Melvins.

Anyhoo not much on the plate for today. Just a little cleaning and sorting.

Sorry to have been so me centric since my return, guess I have a bunch of stuff to dump.

Swampy is that a shark I see behind you? Old jokes never die.

Wordy??? I sometimes dream in German, my sleep German is better than my real life German also this happens in Swedish.

Happy day all



Sort was less disorganized, but I still made good time. Gordie has done his business.

I dreamed I was at swampy’s and there was some lady there as well. Then some Mob guys attacked me with some broken furniture, but I went full Bruce Lee on them with a 2X4. But the Mob Boss showed up, and the girl pulled out a double barreled shotgun, and they took my tires. The weird part was they were racing slicks. Why would I put slicks on a Kia Rio? :thinking:

{{{{Mr. and Ms. Magic}}}}

More to the point - what was The Mob doing cahooting with swampy??? :scream:

A cow-orker made menudo sin maiz on Friday, and told me she leave me some in the freezer at the orifice (she’s orking offsite today). I found a rather large container. It looks like there’s almost half a galleon of soup. Mrs. L.A. won’t eat menudo, so it’s all for me! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

My cow-orker is a good cook, born in Central America but raised in the U.S. She knows how to cook foods from the region!

Morning, all. Rain predicted for tomorrow evening, so I am getting some seeds into pots and flowers into hangers so they can get watered naturally (and I don’t have to do it!) Only 2 classes today, and one of them is filled with seniors who are either holding down a 100% or a 12%. Always fun to deal with. Distance Learning requires buy-in from everybody, and being a teenager during this time just aggravates everything.

More and more of my friends are getting their second shots (mine’s next Wednesday) so our ability to socialize with each other is improving. So far the reactions to the second shot have been mild-ish for everybody. Light, temporary flu-like symptoms that go away after a couple of hours and a sore arm seems to be the common complaints.

Stay warm, stay safe and drink heavily. It’s Friday if you feel it!

Doggio Dreams can be really weird. I often wake up and go what the H?

Mooom, Swampy has a SHARK, the Mob finds it very useful.

JLA I love food from Mexico and Central America but menudo is a non starter for me. I never go to the Taqueria on Domingo.



Jim, your life sounds way too exciting for me. Glad you survived the virus!


Magic, at least your black water wasn’t propelled by high-pressure air. That can be really impressive…

I always counted when I was a kid, too. My interest in railroads is mainly limited to steam power, though.

Yeah, I’d say that’s a large container… :smiley:

Got up a few minutes before 11; have breakfasted but not yet caffeinated, and need to go up and take my morning meds. Another day of sloth is planned – don’t know if I’ll even bother getting dressed, unless I go out to check on the rabbits. 25F (wind chill 10) and fair, predicted high 29, with a wind advisory until four – current wind 25 mph, gusting to 46.

That was what I was afraid I would find when I went into the back. It was the first time I can remember being relieved that there was just a mess on the floor.

Hubby got another blood test this morning and the inflammation is greatly reduced, so no antibiotics for him. Plus he’s eating a little bit and drinking lots of liquids. Definitely something to celebrate!

The state of my inbox resembles me being out for 2 weeks. But I haven’t been out. Not so happy about that, and things are probably going to get worse before they get better.

Relatively sunny out. Well, it was, but now the sun’s gone down.*

Time to vege and get shut-eye before tomorrow’s training and other fun.

  • Wrote “the sun’s gone done”. Which looks interesting, but I hope the sun’s not done. I’d like it to come up again tomorrow.

Good to hear! Don’t forget to continue taking extra good care of yourself while working on the ‘irk pressures. That way you can continue to take good care of him AND play play play with us Mumpers enough to keep us from dying of loneliness across the unrelenting pond.

Fill your bucket or it will dump you out on your butt unceremoniously. And I would know.