A Wii accident - he should have used a strap on

MPSIMS in the extreme but still funny just for the reaction.

“Fat Cars” is pretty cool too

I opened this thinking “the Wii has WHAT for an attachment now???” but quickly realised you meant the wrist band.

Carry on.

I watched the Wii video on youtube earlier today. It looked very staged (“oh gosh”) so I got to wondering what kind of person destroys a perfectly good flatscreen tv for the sake of a lame ‘fail’ video.

And if it wasn’t staged:: Why was it being filmed?

I doubt they had to sacrifice a TV. All they had to do was run a video feed that looked like the result of a broken screen into the TV, then switch the input the moment the Wii Remote hits the TV to make it look like an accident.

A lot of sophisticated effort to go to only to ruin it by horrible acting.
edit: I take that back. video feeds of screen smashes are probably easy to come by. I know still images are. We tricked our IT Manager using one. He thought someone had lost their temper on the monitor in question.

Note that the player is left handed, but the Mii onscreen is right handed; also, the angle that he’s using is much better suited for a right handed bowl.

I also vote fake.

Eh? You can’t see a Mii on screen can you? Just a character in the next lane bowling, in other words he seems to be playing in the first person.

You can see him–it’s just hard to see because the lighting and video quality is shitty. Oh, and the Miis are partially translucent so you can see the lane.