A world with out men?

What would you have then?

A bunch of fat, happy women, with no crime. :slight_smile:

It’s sad because it most likely is true.

What else?

There would probably be a shortage of batteries. :wink:

Some drink at the fountain of knowledge…others just gargle.

Actually studies have shown that the most violent people have low levels of testosterone and high levels of ESTROGEN. Also, it went on to point out the fact that men are more likely to be hit by women and that women initiate violence in the home more often then men. Put that in your pipe and smoke on it.

The ever insensitive, politically incorrect PitBullDawg. Political correctness is a disease. Cure it with the truth.

Citation, please?

“Wednesday the 15th - Chris made one of her rare good points today.”

The remote control would be MINE, MINE! Bwha ha ha! But then again, I rather DO like the orgasms…

Remote control or orgasms? Hmmm, let me think… how about remote control orgasms? Every time he touches the remote I’d have an orgasm? Oh, wait, I might DIE from that… I’d be willing to take the risk!


Naw - I workout and eat right because it makes me feel good both mentally and physically. I don’t do it to impress men.

I can’t speak for other women, but as a heterosexual female, I tend to get a little - no - a LOT bitchy and unhappy if I don’t get laid by a man on a regular basis.

As far as the no crime comment - Have you been around many women who suffer from PMS? They are homicidal!!!

Fluff yer hair Beula, I’s feelin frisky - M.S.

I’ve gotta see a cite too, PitBull. I promise not to call you any bad names until I read the studies you mention. :slight_smile:

shortage of batteries? naw, there’d be lots available because of no more battery-operated monster trucks.

rampant unemployment what with factories that make duct tape going out of business left & right.

i’d be able to find ‘buffy the vampire slayer’ where it’s supposed to be because it wouldn’t be pre-empted by some damn hockey game.

gotta go w/ the orgasm thing. definite downside.


Ahem, bullshit. I think if there where no men in this world, that beautiful body of yours (um, I’m just guessing here), wouldn’t please you as much as, say, chocolate cake?

Besides, what kinda fun would you women have without charming guys like me?

There’s always another beer.

A cite for PitBullDawg.

Sorry that I don’t have a better biblography, but the studies mentioned in the article above are all I know of on the subject (admittedly, I have not done much research on this). From personal experince I have seen women strike men but I have never seen a man strike a women.

Letting my inner child run loose and break things.

Take it from someone who’s been in a physically abusive relationship. Men hit women. They really do. They do it for no reason, they do it for stupid reasons. Not all men do it, but if even one of them does it, that’s too many.

I’ve seen women hit men, too. Again, sometimes no reason, sometimes stupid reasons. Again, one is too many.

We need to start educating our kids, the boys as well as the girls, that abusive behavior, be it mental or physical, is very wrong, and should not be engaged in or tolerated.

:slight_smile: Some of us have orgasms regularly in our sleep!

“Not everybody does it, but everybody should.”
I Spy Ty.

hmm. wondered if i was the only one who did that. interesting, if confusing. time saver, tho.

what sort of higher plane are we operating at do you suppose, seeing as how the thing never seems to turn off?

Heh! You know, I never looked into this too closely since knowing too much might make them stop! There was a discussion about this some time ago on the old AOL boards and someone came up with a statistic that (IIRC) this lovely event happens to roughly 3% of adult women. (Thank you Goddesses!) Mine usually arrive between 3 and 5 a.m. (three to four times a month) and don’t seem to be connected to erotic dreams - at least I’m never able to recall any dreams. Of course, this kind of wake-up call tends to put all other thoughts right out of my head…

…but I’m not complaining!

“Not everybody does it, but everybody should.”
I Spy Ty.

Where I work there are out men all over the place. We all get along just fine :slight_smile:


There’s something you can take for that.
Thank you, thank you, you’re too kind. I’ll be opening for Jackie Mason next week at the Tropicana. Good night and God bless.

Alfie, its a book about this. All virgin women & one day they find a man in the artic in the ice & they bring him to life. They have to then learn to have sex, etc.

Hey Mark, I bet you would like to be that guy :-)?

that is the reeally strange thing about it, the dream thing. i’ve heard, of course, of men’s ‘wet dreams’; but i remember my dreams & they are only very rarely sexy ones.

sometimes i’ll be awakened a couple of times a night maybe 3 times a week, then nothing for several months. & it doesn’t seem to be definitely tied to whether or not i’m otherwise involved in a sexual relationship. luck of the draw as far as the wiring is concerned, i guess. i’ll take it.

hey, whatchu looking at? don’t let us bother the rest of you guys. you can go on chatting.

The purpose of life is to matter, to count, to have it make a difference you lived at all.

Or, for a different take on it, Joanna Russ wrote one [The Female Man] about men arriving on a human-settled world in which a virus had killed off all the men a few generations back (the women reproducing via test tube oofusion). The women seemed rather underwhelmed and confused about why the men thought that their arrival would be a big deal.

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OMG No men!!! Tell me it isn’t so!!! Who on earth would I have to tease, harass and generally make life miserable for? Let alone take to the Monster Truck rallies.

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!