I seem to have the ability to get any song stuck in my head, regardless of how long it’s been since i actually heard the thing.
For example, at this moment, i have “Glory of Love” by Peter Cetera stuck in my head. Yes, the song from Karate Kid II. I am certain that i haven’t heard this song since 1986. I was 9 in 1986. I hated it then and tried to avoid it as much as possible. In spite of these, i still know most of the words to this day!
Now what bugs me is that this is truly wasted brainpower. I could be devoting it to learning a new language or writing a cool application or something, but instead it’s stuck on this damned song! Aieeee!!
This is a little strange, but I was once worried about my ability.
Have you ever hated someone so much that you wished they were dead?
I told this woman once that i hoped she would die. She died a year later (ironically, she attempted suicide and got in a car accident on the way to the hospital).
I felt terrible and wondered if I had anything to do with it, even if it was a year ago.
But move on. I hated her anyway, but still…
Then there was an Ex-boyfriend. I hated him because he was horrible to me and he dumped me. I got mad, had wild fantasies of him dying horrible deaths.
A year later, he was in a mental hospital after a suicide attempt.
I don’t really mean that I have an ability to make people kill themselves, but if I did-
I would wish not to have this because it seems to take a year for it to come into effect, and by that time I don’t hate the person anymore.
I just have to say that your sig is the right on the money. A purer truth has not been spoken on this board. I’m sure Olentzero can back me up on this.
I wish I didn’t have the ability to remember just about every person I’ve ever met. Cuz when you do or say something stupid, and you run into the person years later, it doesn’t matter that they don’t remember–I do!
Great sig, zyzz!
And who’s always calling himself “the innocent one?”
I wish I were tone deaf. I don’t have perfect pitch, but it’s close enough that when a singer is just a bit off it’s like fingernails on a chalk board to me. I wince very visibly when it happens, too.
So if you see me covering my ears in a restaurant when the wait staff sing “Happy Birthday”, you know why.
Poop Molecule Detector. Even though my husband is a Good Dad and not at all above changing a diaper, I am always the first one to notice that said diaper needs changing, which usually means that I have to do it.
I can be a hardcore manipulative bitch. Its a trait, not really a goal or a pastime. I don’t like the idea that I can, because then when good stuff happens a tiny part of me always wonders if its truly out of nowhere or if I made it happen by ‘adjusting’ people. And how long its going to take them to wise up and figure out that it wasn’t real.
It makes it really hard to accept compliments. I’m serious when I say, “Oh, you’re just saying that…”
<hugs punha>
[sub] figured you needed one, darling [/sub]
Oh and picking up accents of strangers. I don’t like that talent either. Four words into a phone convo and I’m speaking in a Georgia drawl. Its annoying. (Except when it’s an Irish accent…sooo pretty I wish it would stick. I want one…)
I have the ability to look exactly like an employee of whatever establishment I am currently shopping in. I estimate that at least 50% of times I’m in any kind of store, I am approached by a clueless shopper asking me if I know what aisle the hamburger helper is on.
I wish I didn’t have the ability to piss people off without trying.
I wish I didn’t have the ability to make every guy who shows an interest in me run screaming into the night without any effort on my part; each such male has different, often conflicting reasons WHY, too, so I can’t even change myself.
I wish I didn’t have the ability to play many instruments just a little, and instead be excellent at one or two.
The ability to make a cute sqeaky noise whenever somebody pokes me. God does that get aggravating when people won’t stop poking you, just so they can hear you squeak.