It’s my fault, isn’t it?
Well, yes. Yes, it is.
I’m sorry, everyone. I guess I just made them finally decide that they had to do something to get rid of riff-raff… --sniff–
Over at they have been charging to read their non-wire “premium” postings. I promised to join just as soon as they announced the firing of David Horowitz.
But it sounds like a pretty good reason to return to full time lurker status.
Well, that’s one way to get rid of trolls and sock puppets, I suppose. Is anyone going to pay $20-$50 for a joke?
I don’t much fancy the idea of paying for any website, but I especially don’t fancy paying to post to a website which, by my posting, increases in value (I’m speaking of the “liveliness” aspect here, not attributing any special worth to any particular post). I’ll have to see. Meanwhile, there’s no harm in pre-registering and seeing what happens.
At least it doesn’t seem that they will make it “Pay per Post”. That would wipe me out. If they had a nickle for every post I made, it would cost me…
::looks across Doper’s left knuckle at his post count::
:: …carry the two, times point zero five… ::
hmmm…a lot!
Yeah, that and fifteen-hundred good intentions will get ya fifteen-hundred cups of coffee. Or something.
Just making a quick post while it’s free…
It should be based on USAGE, however.
Say, 10 cents every time you say “pants” or “panties”.
My studies show that would more than cover it.
but dont you see? Then I would be taken down for every post like the origional idea! CRAP
subscribe the mailorder Reader, get the board posting privs, free.
on my post above, oh, that is just my idea, its not a fact yet
David Horowitz? Isn’t he that consumer watchdog dude?
He’s still around?!