Academic position interview tips

So I have at least one interview (I hope more are on the way) for a professorial position. These would be initial, meat-market style interviews arranged at a big conference. Any tips? I’m ABD in the humanities, hoping to finish in June, female and early 30s (this might factor into something-- who knows?), and haven’t had a job interview in. . . oh. . . 100,000 years?
Tips? Almost universally-asked questions? What questions should I ask? How do I stand out in the crowd but maintain an appearance of decorum.

Dissertation (particularly as it relates to possible publication of same), other research interests (again, as publication possiblities). Depending on school, possible course development you’re capable of.

Having just been through a slew of interviews at the MLA convention, here are some questions you might want to prep for:

Research and dissertation: the usual questions, plus questions about if you intend to publish any of it, how does your work extend/agree with/disagree with x, y and/or z’s work? Are you preparing anything to publish now?

Teaching: how would you teach the basic course in your field? How would you teach the advanced course in your field? How do your teaching competencies fit in with our department/needs? Do you have a course in mind for undergraduates? Graduate studies? What is your philosophy of teaching?

Misc: what do you see as the most pressing issues facing institutes of higher education today? Tell us about your education, why do you want to work for us, where do you fit in?

Make sure you do your homework, via internet, on the institution you’re speaking with. Get a grasp of their focus (teaching school? Research? Both?) and peruse what courses the department is offering and has offered. Be ready to “propose” courses that you think might interest the school.

As far as affect, be yourself but your bestest self (dressed up, perky without being obnoxious, sit up straight . . . etc.) I, too, am a slightly older woman on the market and I think the age is in our favor.

If you want more tips (including about phone interview) I’d be glad to offer 'em

Hmm. Good input. Thankfully, I’ve already had to write a “statement of teaching philosophy” and a long cover letter that covers a lot of the general stuff, so at least my brain is rehearsed.
So on a first interview, is it not yet the place and time to be asking about salaries and relocation costs, house prices in the area, etc? That would propably look cheeky, huh (and I’m anything but cheeky-feeling about this experience)?

Salary and other things to do with money aren’t usually discussed until an offer of employment is actually made. This means that you might go through an interview and a campus visit before an offer is made and money is mentioned (by either party.)

By the way, there’s a great site on the internet that calculates moving costs, cost of living and is a gateway to real estate listings. Type in “Cost of Living Calculator” in Google. I always check out this site prior to applying somewhere, as I’m desperate to escape the high cost of living in California.

Also Google faculty salaries of the institution you’re applying to and you’ll be able to find average salaries for assistant through full profs. The Chronicle of Higher Education (online) also publishes salaries in its employment section.

Some other questions you might want to ask at the first interview that will give you more information about the school and its peeps might include what one is expected to do to achieve tenure, what the search committee likes about the school and its students, etc.

If it doesn’t feel intrusive, I’m curious about what field(s) you’re applying in.

Ok, warnings taken. I like the idea about asking the search committee about the school-- get a more personal sense of it than the official lit provides.
Oh, Art history. Labor of love.