Hey! After much saudade (longing for, missing) acai, I found the genuine stuff!!
Forget the frickin’ acai smoothies. They don’t taste like acai. They taste like whatever other fruits, but with a grittiness and a slightly purple-y color that come from the berry.
What you want are the smoothie packs. Specifically, try the Sambazon Original Acai and the Pure Acai flavors.
The back of the Original Acai package will tell you to take a couple packets of acai and whip them up in a blender with some juice or soymilk and a banana. Ignore that advice. Let the individual packets defrost. Then put the contents of the packets into a bowl and smoosh them up until there are no hard frozen bits left. The consistency should be more or less that of smooshed-up, partially melted ice cream. Then eat it, bit by delicious bit, with or without granola. The taste isn’t perfect, but it’s about right. It’s the right kind of stuff. The main flavor is that of the acai.
If you want something with the consistency of a thick juice or pre-packaged smoothie, whip two packets of acai with a little bit of orange juice and a tiny bit of pineapple, or something like that. IMHO, using soymilk blunts the taste. And go easy–very easy–on whatever fruit or juice you add. For whatever reason, the flavor of the acai from these packets is easy to overwhelm.
I haven’t yet tried the pure acai pack, but, since the ingredients are acai with a tiny bit of natural preservative, I’d be willing to bet that the flavor’s the same as the stuff I had in Brazil. Straight up, unsweetened acai is about as appealing as unsweetened chocolate–bleah! But with a bunch of honey or something, it would be delicious. In Brazil, the stuff would be blended with one of a zillion fruits, many of which are unavailable in the US, and would have guarana syrup as the sweetener. So far, I have not found guarana syrup for sale at any of my local stores. It might be available on-line, though.
Acai!! Acai!! Woo-hoo!!!
All right. I just ate 2 packets of the Original Acai, which might be why I’m a little bouncy right now. But just thought I’d let you know–this thread’s a follow-up to another thread, in which Stranger asked where you can find acai like the stuff some of us have had in Brazil.