Qwest is bugging the shit out of me. Have they no concept of the English language? The commercials they’ve been running around here end with the tag:
Qwest; The spirit of service…inaction.
As much as I would tend to agree with the average Qwest employee’s level of inactivity, hell I dumped them long ago, why do they advertise it?
From M-W.com
Main Entry: in·ac·tion
Pronunciation: (")i-'nak-sh&n
Function: noun
: lack of action or activity : IDLENESS
Now, this series of ads cements my opinion of the idiocy of those running Qwest. They embody the old adage Any idiot can run a company, the only problem is one eventually does. They’ve done lay off after layoff to please their stock holders, but left nobody to run the company. All their techs do day in and day out is put out fires, so nobody builds for the future. Dealing with them when I had DSL problems was enough to drive me away from them for all of my services.
I really think some marketer with a hate of Qwest greater than mine hoodwinked those morons running the show to get the negative message out. Hell. The actors don’t even pause to innunciate when they say “in…action”. They just say “inaction”.
And what the hell is "The spirit of " shit. Does the tagline mean that Qwest is the ghost of laziness? What the hell is that? Is that somewhere beyond lazy? So lazy they’ve gone into the netherworld? A level of lazyness that is unable to survive on our astral plane?
I don’t even use them anymore and they still manage to bug the shit out of me.
Bite my spirited yet inactive ass, Qwest.