Active URL Links In Email

I’m sure that this has been asked before, but here goes. What is there that prevents the inclusion of an active URL link in my AOL email? It would be so much more convenient to just click on the email URL instead of having to cut and paste the thread ID into the search window.

Webmaster, your answer please.

Incidentally, the boards run quite smoothly and continue to amaze me with the lack of severe problems encountered.



If you’re talking about the “email this page” feature. The Admin. has to disable it after a troll/trolls was using it to mail people and have the mail look like it was coming from a mod/administrator. I got one and so did other people.

You’re right about the board. It’s running great at the mo.

Zenster seems to be having a different problem, probably using the browser’s File option list item “Send Link By Email”

Zenster -
I’ve noticed some links can be to long. If they wrap, they may become broken on certain mail systems.

I can send links to most people, but not my mom (also on AOL), so maybe it’s an AOL thing.

What I was referring to is that I wish the email notifications I receive about threads that I have posted to contained URL’s that I could just click on.

You are right about the problems of wrap around and inserted spaces. There must be some way around this. It would save so much effort if I could just click on the email.


Zenster, excuse my sarcasm, but, come on… “effort”???

In a perfect world, you could jump from your email to the SDMB in just one click. Now, since you use AOL, you are forced to :

[li]Click and drag to select the link text,[/li][li]Right-Click on the selected text to COPY it,[/li][li]Left-Click on COPY,[/li][li]Left-Click on the button bar to bring up your browser window,[/li][li]Right-Click in the Address Field, then, FINALLY,[/li][li]Left-Click to select PASTE and PASTE the URL.[/li][/list=1]

You know, now that I look at it, that is 6 clicks! Compared to the original one-click-method, poor Zenster is being forced to perform 600% more clickage! It’s unfair! It’s an outrage! Form Lobby Groups! Surround AOL Headquarters! March on Steve Case’s office!

“Steve CASE!
Steve CASE!
Fix the Click or we’ll
Stomp your FACE!”

Or… um… just forget it. It’s not really that big a deal, is it?