I’m not talking about yer Brad Pitts or yer Jennifer Anistons. I’m talking about celebrities who are not generally known for their appearance but something about them clicks for you.
I’ll start it off with Sarah Silverman. I think she’s cute as a button.
Steve Buscemi, he’s kind of a funny looking guy but plays interesting characters. Spotted him in Lonesome Dove last night getting beat upon, which seems to be one of his ongoing character situations
The annoyingly (and constantly!) incredulous-eyed Julie Hagerty (well, in Airplane!, anyway) made me wanna, well, make her look even more incredulous, sorta.
Tilda Swinton was mentioned in the thread that inspired this thread as someone you can’t look at. I see that she’s no classical beauty and she looks a bit “off”, but I find her very attractive.
I thought Jane Alexander in All the President’s Men was sensuously awesome-hot.
In a mild way…Bonnie Franklin or Linda Lavin?
Raymond-era Patricia Healon.
Rhoda-era Valerie Harper but not the mother Nancy Walker.
Is Joyce DeWItt too hot for this? At least her legs were, IIRC in an old ad.
Suzanne Pleshette would qualify, and actually in season one (and sadly, only in season one) of The Bob Newhart Show she wore eye-poppingly skimpy lingerie in the bedroom scenes, making her extra easy in the eyes.
Suzie Plakson, a character actor who played several different roles on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Enterprise, was the subject of one of my crushes for quite a while back then. She’s certainly not unattractive, but I don’t think she’s necessarily a classic beauty, either.
Chelsea Rendon, who appeared in Vida and Shameless, is a true cutie. Latina and normal sized (aka not super skinny) I am sure she is often overlooked, but overall she looks great! Hope to see more of her!