Adam and Jamie or Build Team?

I noticed that as well. You’d think once it a while someone would say “Holy crap that was amazing, I’m going to show Adam” or “I really can’t figure this out, I’m gonna ask Jamie if he has any ideas” I have to wonder if it happens off camera at all. In fact, I’m kinda surprised you don’t even seem them wandering behind each other in the others scenes. I want to say a few years ago they bought the warehouse space next to M5 when the previous tenants left and Adam/Jamie are sent the build team over there so they probably aren’t really climbing over each other all that much anymore.
It also wouldn’t surprise if, just due to only having so many cameras, they filmed on opposite days/weeks so when the build team is there Adam and Jamie aren’t even in the building and vice versa.

M7 is about a block and a half away from M5. Though you’re right, M5 did expand into the neighbouring building, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was mostly to house the TV crew’s needs.

I like them all.

I remember when Scottie started eating the toast during the butter-side-down project.

Well I’m 50, so I’m right in the middle, agewise, of Adam and Jamie. And my demeanor’s closer to Jamie than even Adam. I’m certainly not the giddy squeally type that the build team are.

There’s something with your work firewall, because there’s nothing pornographic or even risque on that site. I just checked through the gallery, and she doesn’t even pose in a bikini or even shorts. Long jeans and T-shirts.

One of my favorite scenes was a Jamie humor moment. At the end of “Beat the Breathalyser” when Adam (drunk as a skunk) rambled off his whole end-of-episode speech, Jamie just sat and looked at him and went “hic.” Adam just about hit the floor and so did I :smiley:

Perhaps, but in my decidedly non-technical opinion, not by much. I certainly have never seen an episode where the editing made it look like they ever did a statistically significant number of trials and many times I have serious issues with their methodology, c.f. the one where they tested whether swearing helps deal with pain.

I put aside my lust for Kari, and went with “no preference.” It really depends on what they’re working on. If it’s an interesting project, either team is capable and entertaining.
