Adam Corolla's new show...not so bad...

Yeah, I’ve only watched half of it, but this show ain’t half bad. Pretty damn funny, actually and less purile than the Man Show. I love watching people extemporize and he seems to be doing a pretty good job of it.
Anybody else watching? This is the only fifteen minutes I’ve seen of it, so tonight could be the exception rather than the rule. In any case, it’s highly amusing. Is this show worth watching regularly?

I saw the first episode, and thought that Adam Corolla really wasn’t that great by himself. He looked like he was having a hard time coming up with some actual content and needed someone to bounce lines and jokes back and forth with. Maybe the later episodes have been better

He seems to be taking live calls and stuff, too. Some guy named Anthony Anderson, whom I’ve never heard of but mistook at first for Patrice O’Neal, was with him and they worked well together. Pretty fun stuff tonight.

He’s better when he has someone or something to play off of and it’s not just him by himslef. Some of his stuff is bits he’s been doing on Lovelines for years. Corolla is hit or miss at times, but when he really gets on a good rant, he can be piss-your pants funny.

I loved his evisceration of Con Air the other night. I hope he keeps that “movie review” bit.

As I’ve already declared, I’m a shameless Corolla fan. So, you should take what I say with a grain of salt.

I enjoy the show. It’s not great, but like most of these talk shows they get better with time and honing. The guest portion of the show seems pointless and it usually the time when the show falls apart. If he had guests that were musicians or hipsters who are willing to be as brash and candid as he is it might work, but so far having Buzz Aldrin, a UFC fighter and the voice of Lois Griffin didn’t. He’s not good at fostering banter with people who aren’t comfortable on TV.

His rants and the movie review however have moments of brilliance, and if he just recycles stuff from Lovelines he’ll be flush with quality material for years.

I’m going to stick with it and hope that it works out. If they keep the format fluid it could turn into something good. If they keep trying to force the traditional “guest” interview on him, they might be in trouble.Interviews are ok if you have the right guest, but having a guest just for the sake of it causes trouble.

I love him on Loveline, but the jokes were funnier the first time I heard them… on Loveline. I think Adam works better with smaller audiences - there are a lot of awkward pauses where it looks like he’s waiting for a response from the crowd, but on the radio, he just keeps going.

It’d be nice if he tried to answer some of the questions, too. Loveline works because there’s a common theme, and all of Adam’s rants and banter with Drew and the guests take place in that context. On Too Late, OTOH, it seems like Adam just makes fun of the questions and questioners (and sometimes the guests), and that’s no way to keep getting interesting questions.

(BTW, his last name is spelled Carolla. “Corolla” is a small car made by Toyota.)

I agree he’s way better on Love Line. That interview with Buzz Aldrin was one of the awkward interviews I’ve seen in a while. I’ll still watch and hope for better.
Side note: The all time worst TV interview? It had to be Arsenio with guest Randy Travis. Arsenio (a terrible interviewer anyway) had absolutely no idea what to ask Travis (i guess because he didn’t play for the Lakers or didn’t rap).

I’ve tried several times to make it past the first ten minutes of this show and have been unable. I don’t find him funny at all and most of the time the audience doesn’t seem to either.

I’m going to side with dlack and hope for a quick mercy killing. 30 minutes of dead air would be more entertaining. Hell, repeats of Stella played backwards would be better.

I used to love Love Line but haven’t heard it in several years. What I saw of the Man Show and Crank Yankers was mighty funny. I was flipping and I caught what must be this show. He was doing a joke movie review of some old Nicolas Cage movie. It wasn’t very funny and I flipped on. I hope it goes good though; he cracks me up.

I don’t plan on watching it. I probably wouldn’t be able to follow what was going on, seeing as how I went to community college. :slight_smile:

You mean junior college? :wink:

Let’s not confuse the boy…

Har dee har har. :smiley: