Adding an external link (voice clip) to a thread?

Hello. I’m a new member here. I was wondering if it’s acceptable to include a personal voice clip uploaded on an audio site (vocaroo) for a question asking about accents and voices in IMHO. Would this be considered spam?


Generally speaking, just a link to a voice clip alone isn’t spam. On the other hand, if the voice clip is something like a 30 second advert for a product, that probably would be considered spam.

Without knowing the content of the voice clip, all I can say is you’re probably ok posting it. The link by itself wouldn’t be considered spam.

It would just be a voice clip of me reciting some Shakespeare and asking other members if the accent and voice is suitable for the specified acting role

Go thee and post forth anon (or something like that… I never was good with Shakespeare).

Sounds fine to me. Go ahead and post it.