Address format / resume question

This came up in the context of a resume, but it’s also a general address format question (US).

I was having someone proof-read my resume, and my contact information contained the following: “1234 Main St. #A”. I live in a duplex, and there is only an A and a B.

The proof-reader said that the “#A” bit threw her off, because A is not a number. I agree with this.

However, the alternatives seem worse to me – partly because of how they scan in the context of the contact info part of the resume.
“Apt. A”
“Apartment A”
“Suite A”
“Ste. A”
or just leave it at 1234 Main St., and hope it’s delivered to me at #A

I believe #A is a correct format as far as accuracy goes, and making sure something will be delivered to me. But does it really stand out that much as being weird in a resume context?

While I’m at it, another suggestion was to change “St.” to “Street”, which I’m fine with, but is there a preference for either in professional correspondence?

Oh boy, that is nitpicky and I sincerely doubt this will influence your chances of getting a job at all. However, I would use “Apt. A”. It is the most standard format and something everyone has seen before.

No one will care about something like that. If you are really concerned, how about 1234A Main Street?

Pretty nitty, but “Apt. A” is what I’d go with. Street vs. St. is soooooo irrelevant. I would normally abbreviate, but feel free to go with whichever one is more visually appealing.

If you are focusing on these issues, can we assume the rest of your resume is in impeccably good shape? :wink:

edit: this thread should probably go in IMHO

I would use “1234 Main Street, Apt. A” on the resume header if it were me. No offense, but if I were reading resumes and saw one that used “#A” I would put it back at the bottom of the stack, only to be read if all the others had worse problems.

Ok, good points. I didn’t realize how nit-picky and minor of an issue this was. I think I’ll go with Apt. A and St., and get back to perfecting the rest of it. :slight_smile: Thanks for the advice so far.

I don’t know what the USPS would prefer, but as someone who receives resumes, the only thing I care about is that the offer/rejection/interview invitation that we send actually gets to you in a timely manner. And to be honest, I cannot remember the last time we relied on the mail rather than email to respond to a candidate. (We will back up the email with hard copy, but we expect that you will first hear by email.)

They would prefer 1234 MAIN ST APT A. That only applies to the envelope, though.

Go to This service is currently unavailable | USPS and enter your address, and you will see what the Post Office prefers.

But some of what they want (all-caps, no punctuation) will not look good on a resume, so ignore that part.

The way I’d do it would be:

KID SCRUFFY Apartment A 1234 Main Street Hometown, State 12345