Or parents of ADHD kids - what were you (or your ADHD kid) like when you were under the age of, say, 8ish? Looking back that young, can you see the same signs that eventually led to a diagnosis or did you have different issues?
My 5-year-old has been having some behaviour issues since she was about 2.5, and the last year and a half or so has been so extreme that we’ve been sent around to various doctors trying to figure it all out. She’s too young for a formal diagnosis of anything, but her behaviour has caused some major problems, especially at school. I’m not looking for medical advice here, I have plenty of that, I’m just curious about something proposed by one of her doctors and am interested to see if anyone’s experience has been similar.
She has some classic ADHD symptoms (of course, all 5 yr olds do, but hers are outside of the norm for her age) - periods of uncontrollable silliness, occasional inability to focus, etc. But her key issues right now are more extreme defiance and a hair-trigger temper leading to explosive tantrums (bad enough that she’s been sent home from kindergarten more times than I can count). She finds it almost impossible to wait her turn, share, or cope if things don’t go exactly her way. I know that sounds like a lot of little kids, but well, she’s the only one being sent home from school.
One pediatrician said that although she’s too young for an official diagnosis, it looks like Oppositional Defiance Disorder. An aquaintance of mine who is a neuro-psych was horrified and disagreed so strongly that we trooped off to another developmental pediatrician, who is the one suggesting ADHD. We sort of balked, saying the symptoms really do seem more like ODD, and he said that until 7 or 8 ADHD often manifests as defiance and tantrums. I can’t find any info on this and would love to know if this is true for anyone here?