Adult bicyclists: get off the damn sidewalk!

I’m tired of the slackers and culturally retarded bike riders who don’t want to ride in the street. In my walk around the neighborhood today, I was nearly run over not once, not twice, but FIVE times. We’re not talking busy streets with lots of traffic here, it’s a quiet residential area. Each one of the jerks was an adult male with a blank expression, riding down the middle of the sidewalk at me. They all seem to think that I’ll jump aside, so as not to ruin their outing.

Well, I’ve got news for you guys. I’m not going to squeeze over for you anymore. If you can’t pass by on “your side” of the sidewalk, I might have to throw an elbow or two. Morons.

I’d rather ride on the sidewalk and not get hit by the idiot drivers.

Bicyclists on the sidewalk and joggers in the street.

Hell in a handbasket, I tell ya.

Stay away from my area. Some of our designated bike trails are sidewalks.

As a frequent cyclist, I’m completely on your side here. Unless the roads are just too damned dangerous to ride a bicycle on, cyclists should be on the road, not the sidewalk.

And if they must be on the sidewalk, they should be ready to yield to pedestrians, or at least slow down to a pedestrian-like pace when passing them at close range. For fuck’s sake, fellow cyclists, if we must share tight spaces with pedestrians, there’s no need to make them feel like bowling pins in danger of being knocked down.

Emphasis mine

I’m guilty of that. The thing is asphault is easier on the joints than concrete. I only do it on side streets and always make sure I’m aware of my surroundings.

Mobile phone users seem to have stopped being irritating tits with their mobile phone use (with the exception of the odd-few who’s mandate seems to be “be a tit”) so maybe those who abuse the fact they own a bike and use it will stop being tits.

I own a bike and used it two years ago. I tried not to be a tit.

I second this. Bicycles are for the streets, and when we need to be in pedestrian areas, we have to yield to them.

As for my own rant, if you are going to ride in the street, ride on the correct fucking side! I swear when I’m on a bike, other cyclists are a bigger hazard than motorists. In all the years I’ve driven or ridden in motor vehicles, I have never had to dodge another motorist who’s decided to speed headlong into oncoming traffic. With cyclists, I encounter it on a weekly basis, at least. On empty side streets I can understand it, but busy city avenues? I’m all for idiots getting Darwined into the windshield of a bus, I just wish they wouldn’t try to take me out with them.

And while you’re at it, get off my lawn!

And, for fucks sake- get some lights and reflectors on your damn bike if you cycle at night. :mad:

While we’re complaining about bikes, fuck bicycle seats. They make my crotch cry.

It’s illegal for a cyclist over the age of 12 to ride on the footpath in NSW, unless they are riding in company with a child. Doesn’t make a blind bit of difference, though. They ride on the footpath and expect the pedestrians to get out of their way.

I’m sorry, I hate almost all bicylists who aren’t on dedicated bike paths (or riding really slow on public trails).

Most bikers have no place on the steet imo; they rarely keep pace and even more rarely follow the laws (and not just the speed issue alluded to prior). Sure, I’ve seen a car or two run a four-way stop, but nearly every damn bicylist I’ve seen appears to consider it a privilege to run right through those suckers with nary a second thought. Then there are the bikers who ride the wrong way down a one way street. Others who cross at crosswalks when it’s not their turn. Ugh.

These problems are amplified 10 fold at night by bicyclists who do not wear proper visibility gear.

Oh, yeah - that makes sense. You’re afraid you’re risking your own injury by riding in the street like you’re supposed to, so you ride on the sidewalk and risk injuring others. Typical self-centered attitude. Gee, I think I’ll drive my car in the bike lane so I won’t get hit by idiot drivers.

Buy a gentler seat. I got a nice Crotch-Savr (TM ;)) seat at Wallyworld for <$20. Made all the difference in the world.

Last summer, I was around central park south, commuting to work, walking across the street, and some bicycle commuter ran the red light and slammed right into me- I was in a crosswalk, for the love of god!- and this wasn’t some guatemalan delivery guy, either, possibly ignorant of traffic rules, this was a young white guy. I’m almost taken out daily by the delivery guys. Not fun! I figure, though, if I’m going to be hit by people running reds, thank god it’s bikes and not the vehicular alternative…

Must be a regional thing.

Hereabouts cellphone users are still mostly all tits. Or twits. Or twats. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah. Totally. The worst part is the total idiots who seem to think having a cool phone is a great-leveler. No I’m not going to talk to you just because you bought a new phone. You still smell like urine and car-oil.

Both the mail man and paper-boy ride across my lawn. Can anyone tell me where I can buy some land-mines?

Not all of us have bike paths or trails near us. And some of us, the bike trails lead onto the road. Where I live, the bike trail leads through my town, onto Route 9, which is a major road, follows it up for a few miles, then crosses it and goes back to the back roads.

I actually read the laws in NYS when I started biking, and I follow them. I agree with you that lots of bikers are assholes and drive however they want. I also feel many cardrivers don’t care to learn what the rules are for bikes, that we need to act like a car and that you need to be patient with us. I’m going as fast as I can when I go through the intersection, and as soon as I get through the (green) light, I get back on the side of the road…but while I’m turning legally, you’ll have to bear with me.

I used to hate bikers too and now I just hate the bad ones. I don’t wish to be punished for trying to get some exercise though.