Adult Swim Quotes

As promised in this thread its’ the pan-adult swim quote thread. I think you guys know what’s going to so here goes:

“Does our sex life weird you out?”
“Well, that one time.”
“You know.”
“Oh. I was drunk you know.”
“Yeah, I know. Still, weird.”

“Our God is an Indian that turns into a wolf.”
“He’s a Wolfian!”
“That’s right, a Wolfian.”

“Three hams will kill him./
Three hams will kill him./
Don’t ever feed him…three hams!”

“Three hams will fill him./
Three hams will thrill him./
Why don’t you feed him…three hams?!”

Not a quote, but the fact that Shaggy and Scooby were listening to “Long Train Runnin’” by the Doobie Brothers when they got pulled over makes me crack up even a month later.

Actually it was Wolfen, a reference to an early eighties horror movie about, you guessed it, and Indian who turns into a wolf.

My favorite quotes:
“I’m a pretty lady!”
“Why did I tape that?”

“You want some thai stick?”
“No thanks, spicy food does a number on my stomach.”

“How do you finance this operation?”
“Selling pot… holders… made of hemp.”

“Was that the black debbie?”

“You see this? You see how my body’s glowing like that? Yeah, a lot of people can’t do that. Come get some of this glowing.”

“Do what now?”

“Good work Meatwad! You’ve tamed him with your greasy dance of joy!”

“All right, you’ve won this round, old man!”
“Well, DUH!!”

“Why don’t you call her Debbie, and the other one white Debbie?”
“That’s stupid, I know she’s white.”

sung to headbangin’ music

“Don’t stick marbles up your nose!
Dont stick them up there!
Stick them up there!”

It’s actually quite fun to stick them up there.

I like the whole Barbarian-Axe exchange in Home Movies. “So it’s basically a play on the word ‘axe’ then… got it…”

I also liked when Reducto subtely asks for a Brandy Alexander from the bartender in Harvey Birdman.

And finally when Carl confronts the Mooninites: “Oh you’re from da moon. So maybe youse can tell me which one of youse wrote ‘Da Moon Rulez! Numbah One’ on da side of my car, dere…”

(heavily paraphrased)

“The explosion must’ve ruptured the space-time continuum!”
“Take THAT, space-time!”
“Shut up.”

“What’s the problem, Janine? The game is soccer. You’re supposed to be moving. Do you want me to carry you? Do you want me to carry you across the field? In a rickshaw? Is that what you want? Welcome to China, Janine!”

So the entire end of the “Unibooboo” episode of Harvey Birdman was obviously a reference to one or more movies, but it totally whooshed me. The whole bit with Birdman in his bedroom in a nightgown, afraid to open a box of chocolates because he thought a bomb was in it. Anybody know the reference?

“Ow, what’d you zap me for?”
“Sorry, guess I was blinded by your fat.”
“I thought you said I was husky!”
“Fat makes you think crazy things.”

“You see, by day he’s a chopper pilot, but by night he fights crime as…a werewolf!”

Oh, man. Welcome to China, Janine. I forgot about that one.

It’s been a while since I saw it, but it might be Jagged Edge. IIRC, the single typewriter-key-out-of-alignment climax is stolen directly from that flick.

“I’m going to chew on your soul and, like, totally floss with your spirit.”

“Here! Take the meat bridge!”



[Butters]Ah, son of a bitch.**

Oh, well. I’m not going to pester Tuba for a change. Still, it makes that line even funnier, in keeping with the whole Moonites/80s thing.

“Well fine, don’t take the meat bridge.”

“Hey, he took his brain out, it’s cool.”

“I know – it’s a reverse vampire. They love the sun.”

I think I have this one slightly off, but –

“You know, you’d be surprised. You don’t, like, have to be certified or anything, to be a soccer coach. You don’t have to like kids. You can be a coach of a sport that you don’t even know how to play.”

I can’t understand exactly why Baby Blues is on this lineup anyway. Doesn’t really fit. One of my roommates is of the opinion someone mistook it for Family Guy.

Kevin French: “I found this box hidden in my brother’s closet. I think it’s filled with pornographic video tapes!”
Jim: “Nah, Andy’s porno collection could NEVER fit in a box THAT small.”

Jim: “It’s shooters night at Hooters! . . . or was it hooters night at Shooters . . .”

Coach McGuirk: "Let me show you something, alright? Maybe this will give you a little incentive. Look at my arm right there. See that? I got that when I was 18 years old. And I’ll tell you something: I regret it. 'Cause a tattoo don’t come off. I have a tattoo of a cow’s head because I loved that cheese then. When I get the cow, I go in there, I’m a little drunk, and I say cow head from that cheese, I love that cheese. Now I have a cow, a cheese-cow, on my arm. Don’t get a tattoo; that’s what I’m telling you.
“Take a look at my chest. No, I’m serious, look at that. Know what that is right there? That’s the woman from the Chiquita banana. I got that tattooed on my chest; I am an idiot. I have trademarks all over my body. It’s like going to a market, 'cause I was drunk one night. Don’t live like me.”

And of course, the whole Aqua Teen plot of a secret belt that gives its wearer all the powers of Foreigner . . . “You! You’re as Cold As Ice. And you! I’ll fill your eyes with Double Vision!”

This… is lame-ass.

My brother and I were just discussing that a few days ago. It seems too, well, wholesome to be on Adult Swim. It’s Sunday night, it’s 10:30 p.m. — I wanna be offended! :smiley:

“Dammit, he needs his brain. Otherwise he’s just gonna float around in the ocean forever going ‘Do what now?’!”

Does anyone know what happened to the Aquaman dance? I haven’t seen it in awhile, and I thought it was hysterical. :slight_smile:

They had my all-time favorite quote on tonight. From Harvey Birdman:

“State your first name, last name, and occupation.”
“Lizardman, Lizardman, and…uh… Lizardman.”
(And I kind of like “Baby Blues,” which surprised me. I think it fits; it’s not raunchy or anything, but it’s not as dull as the comic strip is, and it is “adult,” if not, you know chicka-chicka-wow Adult.)

“Ok, I’m gonna give 'dis rainbow thing another five minutes, and if it don’t show up, I am going to the liquor store and get me a hot rod magazine, cuz 'dey got the chicks with the boobs on them”

From the begining of an Aqua Teen episode (the crazy scientist’s invention):

“Gentlemen, I give you, Mothmonsterma- Oh no!”

“Ah, he flew-”

“Out the hole, I know! My banana!”