No one can see you.
even Opal can’t help this thread…
- You can get close enough to the President to draw a moustache on his face with black marker.
- No one can make fun of you for being a six-foot-tall albino.
The biggest disadvantage of invisibility, presumably, is that you wouldn’t be able to see anything either. In preventing light from reflecting off yourself, wouldn’t you also prevent light from entering your eye?
But, um… 6) You don’t have to worry about being photogenic?
- If you do something evil, at least you don’t have to look at yourself in the mirror.
I can’t believe we are 5 posts into this and no one has said… entering the locker room of the opposite sex. Maybe I’m a perv.
Actually, Fugazi, I think that goes without saying.
- I can whack people on the head, laugh maniacly, and watch their alarmed reaction.
- I often thought that I would like to become the most feared vigilante around. Essentially if I had invisibility powers, I’d team up with a local cop, get names and numbers of known child molester’s wife beaters, rapists etc…etc… and beat the living snot out of them whilst they sleep. They’d think they were being beaten by a ghost from the furthest reaches of Hades.
I’ve thought about this a lot. Especially after the 9 year old little girl down the road was beaten to death by her father while the mother stood back and watched - helpless.
- Not having to buy clothes. I guess this might tend to keep one indoors in cold weather…