I always thought I had an exceptionally good attitude toward work, but it turns out that I’ve just been lucky…until now.
I’m two year in to a job with an organization that I am likely to have a long career with, and that makes a lot of sense for me to stick with. I’ve been in a leadership track program in a somewhat peripheral part of the organization. It’s never been exactly my dream job, but I’ve been gaining good experience and working on some cool projects. Work-life balance has always been good, and it’s been overall a decent place to learn about the organization.
I recently transitioned to a new project team on a high-profile project, where I was promised a leadership role-- potentially a great opportunity. Unfortunately, that role hasn’t materialized, and I’ve been doing fairly routine work. It’s not particularly fulfilling and I’m not really growing professionally, but there is some chance that that could evolve (though probably never to where I would hope to be). One thing I do worry about is that my work has been entirely inward facing, and the networks I’ve worked hard to build are going unmaintained.
More distressingly, work-life balance has gone down the tubes. The high-profile nature of the project has translated into lots of last minute emergencies, long hours, insta-deadlines and the deadly mix of disorganization and micro-management. I’m okay, even excited, to work hard toward a goal, but most of the work we do seems to be fire drills. Everyone is burning out. It’s a toxic climate.
I’ve been trying to get reassigned, but today I learned that isn’t likely. For bureaucratic reasons, I most likely have to make it through spring until I can try to move internally. I need to get through several more months.
The stress is creeping into my life and coming home with me. I greet the day with dread and end it with more dread. I am having a hell of a time even appearing enthusiastic or even mildly engaged. Sometimes I’m on the edge of tears. Needless to say, I’m not doing my best work-- which is really unlike me and pretty distressing on its own.
How do I shape up? How do I keep perspective? Any advice for working with a micro-managing manager? An unmotivated team? Keeping some work-life balance in an environment that’s not conducive to it? Anything you guys have is much appreciated.