Aeschines, Statistician Extraordinaire

But as you noted, the shit is effectively already beat out of you on this issue, so why should hordes of posters re-fight that battle here? That doesn’t make this Pitting invalid, although it might be considered somewhat redundant.

? I said that? I don’t think so. I was talking about circumstances that tend to make people feel that they want to jump into a Pit thread, not suggesting that they only do so if they have to. (Much less that they feel any obligation to be “genteel” about it.)

Well, 80 posts with AFAICT all observers concurring that the OP’s correct and the Pittee is awkwardly trolling counts as attaining a reasonably good level of “action”, ISTM. Not every Pit thread of a deserving target is destined to turn into a multi-kilopost open-ended hog hunt, after all.

Right. That’s one reason the pitting failed. It was lame.

I mean, you said, Usually a Pit “dogpile” comes about when other posters feel they have something additional to contribute to the OP’s criticisms, or a larger pattern of behavior to elucidate.

That makes it sound like the fucking Demosthenians having a polite debate. People in the Pit will be dicks when the opportunity is there.

Pitting isn’t a numbers game, though a big mob certainly helps (and the mob didn’t arrive). You have to land some blows here. If you think the one-line accusation of incorrectness from the OP is correct, well great. Then you think I was wrong about a pretty small thing. Nobody here brought it, and it was, qua pitting, lame as fuck.

BTW, the concept of “trolling” in the Pit is a joke. People pit others hoping for a dogpile in which the pittee is completely destroyed and invalidated by the mob. The gloves are fucking off, and if the pitter and the would-be mob get bloody noses in the process, so be it. “Oh you’re twolllllling” in that case is the weakest bitch complaint possible.

And yet, it is mentioned in the rules for this category.

You’ve been around a bit, I’d have expected you’d know that.

Until recently, I had not participated in the Pit for about 15 years. The rules have evolved over time.

Hey, if the rule is that a pittee can’t strike back or has to be wery carefuwl in responding to the mob lest s/he seem to be trying to make the attackers “mad,” then I guess that would be an additional disadvantage to the pittee, wouldn’t it?

Y’all seem to want an auto de fe in which the pittee goes meekly to the stake while the crowd spews invective and throws piss and rotten fruit. Sorry that you were the ones who got burned today instead.

By the way, I made my opinion clear on this a few months ago, but the Pit and the behavior found in it have always been a disgrace on this site.

I have not started a Pit thread since the early 2000s, and I don’t think I’ve ever participated in the dogpiling of someone else. If I have, it hasn’t been in the last 20 years or so.

That part’s always been in the rules. It’s a lot more narrowly enforced than in the other forums, though. What it’s mostly there for is for people whose participation on the entire board, is to solely pick fights with people in the Pit. It definitely doesn’t apply to posters defending themselves when they’ve been pitted.

Cool. Thanks for the info.

Actually, all we really want is for you to stop being an asshole in the other forums.

I’d respect your comments here more if I had the slightest impression that you were familiar with my posting history. I’ve largely been a very boring, uncontroversial poster here for the past 20 years, not even getting into debates much. There have been a few exceptions, but not many.

Maybe ask other folks about that rather than just declaring it yourself.

I know I certainly have them down in the insufferable prat column. This thread hasn’t moved the needle on that.

The repeated use of ‘cunt’, especially, added that subtle yet unmistakeable odour of ‘desperate for attention’ to the whole affair. Being boringly obvious is worse than just plain obnoxious, IMO.

Huh, people don’t usually pit themselves.

Eh, I’ve seen a ton of threads that start (as THIS one did) as a polite “I’m calling you out for your behavior” and, well, stayed that way. Often degenerating in a good-natured pitting of all parties in a silly way.

A prime example would be the pitting of @bobot a while back.

Which was ‘ruined’ when the target came in about 4 posts in and admitted that they were largely wrong. And then everyone spent their recreational outrage time on silly stuff.

As for @Aeschines though, I’ll point out an old thread of mine:

Which while not against the rules, is indeed one of the cardinal sins here IMHO. I went and read the thread that spawned this pitting, and yeah, you were wrong and should have just owned it.

Instead, you’ve come here, refused to acknowledge it, acted the hypocrite (“not participating” in your second post), and have been trolling the thread since, all doing nothing more than amplifying Stranger’s pitting to your own detriment.

[OH, btw, gendered insults (cunt), disability insults (asperger’s), and tired jokes (yo momma) continue to make you look asshat, the true flamers of the past threads I’ve read make your juvenile bathroom snickering a pretense of edginess and insult.]

Now, honestly, your actions in other threads never came to my particular attention, but as other posters who have offered constructive criticism, I’ll just say your actions here in attempting to ‘pwn the pitting’ have been nothing but supporting of your pitting itself.

But go for it if that’s what you want. You are literally the Best Supporting Actor for the Pit thread. And it’s not like other posters don’t regularly blow up for the attention, so you’ll be in … well, not GOOD, but well-known company.

Yes, the original pit thread was a bit “meh”. But then the subject of the pitting was kind enough to roll in, say “Not participating. Have fun.”

And then proceed to punch himself in the nuts over and over again. I’m now aware that the subject of the pitting is a huge comical douchebag, inflated with gas and painted in psychotic colors.

The pitting was relatively lame, but you more than made up for it with your attention seeking flailing about, 3rd grade “insults” and general self-owning.

You made your own pitting. Good job!

Superdude, his responses are fast but foolish. I’m no Dr. Could someone with medical training indicate whether or not that could indicate a manic state? Should we be concerned for his health in that something may be seriously wrong with him?

Barring that, could this be some sort of outside chemically induced reaction? He’s spouting jibberish faster than Don Jr with a fresh kilo bag. Could that be it?

We’ve all seen ads for the movie “Cocaine Bear”. Could he be… “Cocaine Troll”?

( Yeah yeah, cue some “mama say, mama sa, mama coosa” clever retort…)

He just comes across as deeply sad.

These “Yo Momma” jokes aren’t the output of someone who’s genuinely happy with who they are or with their accomplishments. I’d say it’s a cry for help, but I suspect he’s so terrified of his profound sadness that he can’t possibly admit to himself that he needs a change.

I hope he finds the courage to get the help he needs.

For someone who started out with

they have certainly been participating and would probably have been better off without.

Yeah, if he’d just stopped with his first post, the thread would have had at most a dozen replies and died. But I guess he has to be the center of attention as he showed in the thread which spawned this one.

Also you need absolutely zero knowledge of statistics to say whether or not Nate Silver gave Hillary Clinton a 95% chance of winning. Either he said it or he didn’t. It looks to me like he didn’t. But I’m willing to be proved wrong.