Afghanistan- Australian Soldier Killed by Rogue Afghan Soldier

Neither mundane or pointless.


A manhunt is underway for a rogue Afghan army soldier who shot dead an Australian comrade who was on guard duty in Afghanistan.

Lance Corporal Andrew Jones, 25, was at a patrol base in the Chora Valley when he was shot by an Afghan National Army (ANA) soldier who was sharing guard duties with him.

The Afghan soldier fled the scene and escaped despite being shot at by another ANA guard.

Full story here.

Things like this make it difficult to accept being in Afghanistan.

Yep. I’m an American and a bit of a hawk when it comes to foreign policy, but I think it’s time for all our forces to start pulling out. There’s just not much reason to be there anymore.

I doubt he was a “rouge”. Most likely a resistance sympathizer.

Khmer Rouge?

Just you wait for the withdrawal.

Most likely neither. It could have been any number of reasons. Hell, I saw an ANA soldier shoot and kill another ANA soldier for dancing too loudly on the roof of his dwelling (a modified shipping container) and refusing to stop.
They go to the rifle quick for the simplest of personal squabbles. Hell, I have personally been on the other end of an aimed AK-47 and an angry, unreasonable ANA soldier. Would have been legally justified to kill the fucker. But even at 10 meters away I was sure he’d miss anyway.

Likely scenario: ANA soldier wanted to sleep during his shift. Australian soldier told him to wake the fuck up. Probably in a loud, colorful manner. ANA soldier took it personally and shot him.
Stupid. . . but a very likely scenario.

People in these areas are very polite for a reason.

We aren’t their friends, we aren’t there because they like us or we like them. And we’ve certainly done worse to them in the way of killing random innocent people than they have to us; what’s one soldier compared to things like a massacred wedding?

Trust Der Trihs to completely miss the point of this thread.