Again with the annoying commercials!

Let’s not even talk about Subway Jared.

That was so shocking, to find out he was a stoner.

Fucked out of a job when now he could just have parlayed it into a side gig shilling for Graphix Bongs.

I believe he left State Farm after the commercial was filmed and was not available.

He had a cameo in the first commercial with the new Jake, though.

That Chime Bank girl who gets direct deposit for the first time and thinks she’s hot shit. “I go into work and I’m already bragging how I got paid” she gloats not understanding how a job works the same for everybody and most people opted for direct deposit long ago but don’t walk into work bragging about getting paid because they’re not juvenile show offs.

Oh gawd yes! I always wonder if A) it’s her very first job and B) If all her coworkers roll their eyes like I do. I’m choosing to believe she’s just young and not that galactically stupid.

She also needs a tutorial in make-up.

Hey, Long John Silvers has a new catch-phrase. “Fish Yeah!”

Is it annoying? Fuck Yeah!

After all these years/decades, I finally put this thought together:
Long John Silver was a pirate, not a fisherman. If he was starting a restaurant, it’d specialize in hardtack and rum.

You left out the Sodomy. The Lash is implied.

Reminds me of payday at NASA back in the 1960s when I started there. The Brinks truck would arrive and they set up a half dozen podiums in the cafeteria. The supervisors handed out the checks and everyone headed to cash them. 4000 of us. You got in line and handed over your check and received cash back minus a small fee of a couple of bucks. Armed guards with Thompson submachine guns stood watch.
When they switched to direct deposit a lot of people didn’t trust it. They wanted that paper in hand.

We’ve come a long way from “Who’s FICA, and why is he getting all my money?” haven’t we?

Also, nitpick: she’s boasting that she already got paid. Who says boasting?

i thought she was gloating because chime bank posts the direct deposit a few days earlier than other banks. everyone else gets paid friday, she gets paid on weds or thurs.

I get my money deposited earlier than people who received paper checks. It used to be 2 days earlier back when employers where trying to entice people to us it instead of paper checks— waaaaaaay back in the early '80s. Nowadays it is generally available to me the day before payday.

Boiled salt beef and pea soup, also.

You know the weird thing is with all these recreationists, they have never tried tall ship sailing with British Tar diet.

Now, they might have to cut down on the grog and calories (the Tar got 5000 K-cal a day or so), but it is doable.

Some idiots tried and experiment with this, but insisted on putting their filthy hands into the salt beef casks, even tho there is no evidence they did that back then- even the Royal Navy had forks and tongs. Not to mention, with such a large crew, a cask would be just one meal.

Oddly, the Royal navy punished sodomy harshly, there really is little evidence it was common. One ship, run by a Gay captain was known for it, but that was a exception, and he got cashiered.

So my greatgreatgreatgrandfather wasn’t really a Peg Boy?

People who speak English.

And in the fullness of time, parrot.