Again with the annoying commercials!

I don’t think it’s any more than “Look what a great deal this is! Everyone’s trying to get in on it. But they can’t… it’s for YOU!”

(So if you haven’t signed up, come on, what’re you waiting for?)

The one - I have no idea what it’s for; a car maybe? - with the woman singing “It’s a Most Unusual Day”. I guess it’s a famous old song but I only knew it from the Seinfeld episode with the beauty pageant (Kramer is managing a contestant whose talent is her performing birds. The birds die and she has to sing that song and of course she’s terrible). I don’t know if the version they play on the commercial is the original artist but she sounds exactly like the off-key girl in the episode. I don’t think anyone would sound good sing that crappy song.

There is a rare (local?) commercial for a video transfer service. It’s pitch is “Do you have degrading movies at home?” I’m like “yes, but I was in college - I needed the money!” :slight_smile:

I’ve never been a fan of using nouns as verbs, though some examples are more egregious than others.

The pizza chain that keeps admonishing me to “change the way you pizza” grates on my nerves especially badly.

There’s a new Limu Emu and Doug ad out now, featuring a SPIDER. Are they trying to make the worst commercial in the world?!

They’re very HAM-handedly trying to tie in with the new Spider-man movie. How stupid can you get?


ps: Yes, I did that purposely…

It would have been funnier if the spider had bitten the emu.

But Limu is the smart one in that pair - he’d never try that.

Amazon has put out a sweet little fable, something about a woman being sent a birdfeeder from the woman across the street. Cloying glurge. Reminds me of the weird productions from “Foundation for a Better Life”.

Papa Murphy’s. Yep - I changed the way I pizza by not going there anymore.

Also, it sounds to me like she is saying “PEET-tha” which I find really annoying.

That’s almost as bad as Rosamund Pike saying “you can money”.

Yeah, I picked-up on that as well. To me it sounds like “peet-ZA!” Who says it that way?

I honestly don’t mind the Aaron Rodgers/Patrick Mahomes State Farm commercials because they’re doing a thing and it’s whatever.

What bugs me is there are these super-short versions of the commercials where one of them says (and I’m paraphrasing) “So you’re saying if I’m a lowly delivery driver I can get the Rodgers Rate?” and Jake says “Yeah” and Aaron says “Oh cool!” and smiles and nods.

What bugs me about this is the whole point of the commercials is that Pat and A-A-Ron are MAD that people are getting the same rate as them, why are you producing a set of commercials where they’re happy about it? It’s literally the opposite of your entire campaign. That’s just bad marketing.

She also does Walmart and DQ commercials. Other than her weird pronunciations, there is something in her intonation that bugs me. Thank heavens for the mute button.

Surely there are better ways to get your carry-out pizzas home rather than belting them in, and why are you weirdos talking to 'em?

You really don’t want to know what happened to the kid.

I’m betting Kate McKinnon actually knows how to walk in heels, but in those Verizon(?) commercials she’s doing a stupid “funny” walk. It’s frigging annoying.

It’s like watching an orangutan, only less graceful.

Very minor annoyances that still bug me in the latest Christmas commercials.

Amazon’s Handbell Hammersteins play Take On Me and never change the bells they are playing. There are many more than 4 notes. So minor, so annoying.

Also maybe Amazon. Some delivery service. Guy get’s his mother a last minute present. He hands it to her at the door and she says, “Oh, you shouldn’t have!” Of course he should have. It’s fucking Christmas and you’re his mother! Who says ‘You shouldn’t have’ when receiving a Christmas present? Maybe after you open it and it’s some extravagantly expensive gift but not upon receiving it. Such a nitpicking thing but, boy, it annoys the hell out of me.

Since I’m rarely paying attention to the screen during commercials it took me a while to notice this. But just last night I said, “They’re just shaking the same four damn bells all at once, over and over. You can’t play any tune like that!” Once you notice it, you can’t not see it.