Again with the annoying commercials!

A less-than-complementary sobriquet for our neighbors south of Wi. It stands for Fuckin’ Illinois Bastards." :slight_smile:

I don’t know, it’s never happened!

What’s Wisconsin’s beef with Illinois?

Well, let me esplain…no there is no time, let me sum up.

Deer hunting. Those Fine Illinois Blokes come up to farm country. don’t follow hunting etiquette, trespass on private land, shoot at anything that moves (cows, me), and generally think their shit don’t stink. Plus that can’t drive for shit. And anything south of say Springfield is really the unreconstructed trump-worshipping South.

Other than that., Mrs Lincoln… :slight_smile:

I thought it had more to do with the rivalry between the Packers and the Bears.

Also, here’s the Wikipedia page about the woman singing the song in the commercial, Beverly Kennedy.

They are currently being washed away.

The Shriners commercial with the kids faux-singing I’ll Be Home For Christmas. If ever anything was more designed to tug at people’s heartstrings and loosen up the pursestrings, I’ve yet to see it.

Is that the ad that shows the family returning to their home in the desert to find a magical snowfall occurring? The one I’m thinking of (didn’t pay attention to what product it was pushing) shows snow falling on a lizard who will soon be dead of cold along with whatever other warm-weather creatures have been surviving on their manicured property.

Nothing says Xmas like exterminating the native fauna.

Tim Curry, for one.

Yes, though the magical part is not the snow itself- there’s a brief shot of the husband working a snow- making machine. The magical part is that the snow didn’t melt the instant it hit the ground.

Better living through Chemistry

And why dump your clean laundry out on the grimy laundry room floor? You’re going to have to wash it all over again.

That should be Beverly Kenney, BTW.

I’m sorry, I love that commercial. But I remember the popularity of Flashdance. Even Snoopy did a parody. (37 years ago, true)

That and the fact that snow machines don’t chill the water. They just spray a mist into the air.

The Career Builder commercial that takes place in the company lunchroom with the dickhead heating up his disgusting fish glop lunch, The concept is spot on and the look on the face of the suffering co-worker is priceless, but it is so nauseating, I have to look away.

Barney Miller got there first.

Hee! I forgot all about that ep. Of course, I saw it many years before I entered the workforce so it wouldn’t have had the same impact, having not experienced the torture of dumbasses polluting the common area with their reeking food. Also, at least Yemana didn’t defile an appliance that is meant to be shared by everyone. Plus, you can’t stay mad at Yemana :slightly_smiling_face:

“Mushi mushi!”

I love that guy’s look at the camera at the end.

I really dislike the Gain commercials. The new set has people making ugly faces and the
VO announcer has a voice like rusty nails on a chalkboard. Their attempts at humor are worse than lame, too.