Invisible forces hijack a SHIELD caravan and kidnap Professor Hall, a former teacher of FitzSimmons. Learning of this assignment allows Skye to take a break from her halfhearted training session with Ward. Investigating the crime scene they find an acorn sized object that was able to upend gravity and destroy the semi. The evidence also shows that there must be a Mole in SHIELD that let them know where this transport was going to be. Tracing back the non crazy-comic book equipment to their source the team is able to surmise that Quinn, a mining magnate, was behind the kidnapping. Quinn had created the acorn sized gravitron using plans created by Professor Hall when they were young associates. He offers Hall to work on a 12 foot model, who’s purpose I didn’t quite pick up, but looked very cool. Quinn’s compound is located in Malta, which is outside of SHIELD’s jurisdiction.
Skye uses her elite telephone hacking skills to finagle an invitation to a party at the compound. Skye is caught trying to break into the office while there and talks her way out by admitting that she is working with SHIELD and playing the double agent. She plays the double agent role convincingly, and takes out her Jane Bond cosmetic mirror to turn on the SHIELD Server Highjacking machine. A rusty Coulson and Ward are able to get onto the compound now. Coulson heads to the basement and finds that Hall is happily gravitronning it up and has no desire to be saved. In fact, his plan is to destroy the device and Quinn along with it. In his mind it is too powerful for anyone, including SHIELD. This is when May figures out that Hall was the mole. Meanwhile, Quinn figured out where her loyalties lied and has a gun pointed at Skye. Surprising no one (except Quinn), she disarmed him using Ward’s move. When Quinn repeated Ward’s question about whether or not she had what it took to pull the trigger she jumped out the conveniently located window into the compound’s swimming pool. Coulson finds out that the gravity machine can really do it’s thing when he attempts to convince Hall to come with him while they are both walking on the ceiling. Skye gets out of the pool and is quickly overtaken by security. She’s overwhelmed. Ward shows up just in time to kung fu all of the guards. They both go down to the basement to see that Hall refuses to turn off the machine. Coulson needs to find a catalyst to turn it off. Coulson makes the decision to use Hall as a catalyst (somehow?) and shoots a hole in the window, which is now the floor. The day is saved. (FOR NOW!?)
Later, back at the ship Skye is wholeheartedly working at her exercises, when Ward comes down and they have a nice moment. Coulson makes sure that SHIELD is locking up the gravity device and forgetting about it. May comes to Coulson mocks his rusty skills, and declares her decision to be in on combat missions for now on. After the credits we get a trip to SHIELD headquarters and we see a hand jump out of the device’s goo and then quickly go back in.
Fun things I liked:
Fitz (or is that Simmons) eating popcorn while he listens in on the mission.
Fitz’s Boobs comment.
May’s “Yeah, you died” after Coulson said he worked with the Avengers.
The Truth Serum uncertainty.
The stereotypical trucker working for a office supply chain who turns out to be a SHIELD agent in a high tech truck.
The cowboy with gold scene.
The “invitation, well an e-vite” gag.
The gravity device in the safe.
Boring things I disliked:
The special effects for Hall in the device. Just have him scream off camera, that’s fine with me.
The dialog with Skye shoehorning Ward’s speech from earlier to describe SHIELD. Sometimes callbacks try too hard.
How quickly May decided to go back into combat.
I’m not sure I understood why they couldn’t destroy the gravity device.
I thought this was a great episode. They were able to move characters along in mostly acceptable ways, and the action was fun. I hope people who complained about last episode’s device found this one comic-booky enough. One of the points of these early episodes is to show Skye integrate into the team. This episode did a good job of showing her buying into the program. On the other hand, as I mentioned, I didn’t really buy May’s decision to go back into a dedicated combat role. If it had been an episode where she spent long spans of time worried about what was going on with nothing she could do, and they really showed her worry, I think I would have believed it more. And, I guess that is what they were going for, but the one line to Ward wasn’t enough to sell the idea to me. That’s a small quibble about a fun episode. I thought the actors who played both Profressor Hall and Quinn did a good job. I didn’t really understand why throwing Hall into the gravity device would do turn it off, but my first thought when he went in was “Hey! Super-villain!” Maybe “Hall would have wanted it that way” is a bad reason to Raiders the Lost Arc the device, instead of destroying it. But, if it makes for a fun episode in the future and a good bad guy I am ok with it. The fact they didn’t slingshot that thing right away is irrefutable proof that comic books are written differently in this Marvel Universe. Coulson, I’m sure read all of the comics growing up.