Hello Everyone,
Need a bit of advice on a dog issue. We have three dogs a 6 year old Pomeranian, a 5 month old Great Dane and a 1.5 year old Chow/Australian Shepherd mix, and we love them all.
The problem is our Chow/Shepherd mix. He is the most loving dog I have ever had, always by your side and ready with a wag of the tail or a sloppy lick to the face. However, he has always (since about 6 months old) had a very protective streak in him. He loves the family very much, but he is extremely protective of us not trusting outsiders and even becoming aggressive. He has not bitten anyone, but barks and snarls and looks very very intimidating. We, of course, are very aware of this personality trait and seldom take him in public any more and if we do he is muzzled. Even though we muzzle him I am still very concerned that one day he may mistakenly get out and hurt someone. To be clear, I would not classify him as “dangerous” in the sense that he is a killer dog. But he is very aggressive to those not in the family, trying to protect us. The problem is he doesn’t know the difference between a stranger and a threat.
So, here is where my concern comes in. We kennel our dogs in the evening. Last night we put the Chow in his kennel for bed. We took out the Dane and the Pomeranian to use the rest room prior to being kenneled. The Pom took of running as he tends to do at times. We finally found him and while putting him away scolded him. Keep in mind we did not hit or physically assault the Pom in any way. We just talked very sternly to him in a deep voice telling him that he was bad and not listening. (The Pom is very intuitive and seems to know why he is in trouble) While we were doing that the Chow (in his kennel) sensing that the Pom, his buddy, was in trouble became very agitated and started snarling and barking. This startled me very much as he has never showed aggression toward a family member and certainly not the Alpha male (me). If he hadn’t been in his kennel there would have been a real problem.
Well, my wife and I are very confused now and don’t know what to do next. This morning the Chow is back to his normal loving self. I can not overstate how loving this dog is to us, the outburst being very out of character. We love him very much, but neither of us are willing to put up with an aggressive dog that might be unpredictable. (Perhaps I am making too much out of this, but the line has to be drawn somewhere) He hasn’t been neutered yet, I am taking the Great Dane for a vet checkup today and will schedule the neutering for the Chow at that time. Do you think that by getting the Chow neutered that this will curb the aggressive streak in him? I have read quite a bit and I understand that the Chow breed is very aggressive and protective, I am not sure about the Aussie however. The behavior that he exhibits is not aggressive to all things, more protective. The problem is he seems to treat almost everything as a threat. We love him very much and would hate to have to get rid of him, but have both agreed that if we cannot curb this behavior and if it gets worse we will either have to send him to the pound (maybe not a good idea, because he would just end up someone else’s problem) or put him down. Neither a good option. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
For the record, the Chow has NEVER been abused only loved and taken care of. We got him when he was 6 weeks old. The other thing that concerns me is that our Great Dane is very lovable, everyone’s friend. We don’t want him to learn from the Chow to be over protective. We certainly don’t need a 200lb aggressive dog, although from what I know about Danes, aggressiveness isn’t in their makeup.