I took today and tomorrow off work…partly because the kids are on Spring Break, and partly because I have to start using some of my vacation days before I lose them.
So, here it is, 9am on a Thursday, and I’m sitting here in my jammies with a cup of coffee, surfing the Dope. I shall leave soon for a hair cut, then an eyebrow wax, and I shall treat myself to lunch while I continue to read Wolves of the Calla.
For a bonus, I’ve had the house to myself for the past two days, something I think only a mother can truly appreciate. Of course I love and treasure my family, but having a couple of days of peace and quiet is nice too.
Haircut and brow wax: $30 with tip
Lunch in a sit-down restaurant: $15 with tip
Recharing your batteries: Priceless
I guess I’ll wander off and take my shower now. It’s so nice to know I don’t HAVE to do anything or be anyhere today unless I want to!
That is nice, isn’t it?
I only work on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, so I have Mondays and Tuesdays to myself. Yeah, I usually spend them cleaning the house and running errands, but I do get to have some quality “Me Time.” Nothing like a mid-morning nap!
I took tomorrow off because I’m getting some deliveries at the house. That means I’m taking the kiddos into daycare, clearing out the corner for the new furniture, and then spending the rest of the day playing Zelda and popping around on here. Although that eyebrow wax does sound awfully tempting… Maybe if the guys get here early enough I’ll be able to go out and get mine done too. I’ve been looking distinctly yeti-ish in the old eyebrow department lately, and you’ve inspired me ivylass*!
I was up until 3 AM last night setting up new Unix servers. My reward (so to speak) is a four-day weekend. It’s actually unrelated to the servers - I had some PTO to use or lose by the 15th.
Big plan of the day will be to take a car in to be smogged. That’ll be after I sleep until noon to make up for working a full day yesterday at the office, almost five hours at home setting up servers and a full day today at the office.
Oooh, I’m jealous. I think I’ll take tomorrow off, too, and have a nice relaxing…
No, wait. My husband is retired and my daughter lives at home but sleeps til afternoon because she works nights, then clomps around until it’s time for her to go, while Himself putters about looking for stuff to do and griping about things. Or plays the tv too loud. Wants somebody to make him tea. Or a sandwich. Or why won’t this music software work. [I don’t know, dear. You bought it. RTFM.]
Nah. Think I’ll go to work where I can have some peace.