The thread title wasn’t meant to be sarcastic. Within 24 hours I should be settled in my new apartment in East Lansing (having dragged out a mind-numbing summer, after returning from Europe, at my parents’ house in Monroe). I can hardly friggin’ wait. Soon enough I’ll be…
- spending nearly every night with the boy sigh
- drinking until my liver tries to crawl away and die
- going to class and offering my opinions, and hearing halfways well-thought-out and intelligent opinions expressed back at me!
- taking my first microbiology course, which will help me decide what field I want to go into and get rid of a lot of needless worry
- cooking for myself, with the help of fellow Dopers and their recipes
Here’s to a successful year for me and all college-age Dopers!
Happy School-time! Clink
I will be starting school too next week, except I’m going to be a teacher this times around. How weird is that?
Hey! I was just thinking of you today, wondering how you were doing! Welcome back. I walked down to Wazoo Records yesterday and the streets were thronged with students. Must be fall.
Your comment on your liver reminded me of the Dilbert cartoon where he shows the company’s business plan (?) to Marilyn Vos Savant and her brain tries to crawl out her ear.
Remember: I’m in Nat Sci. Stop and peek in.
Wahhh! I just started my third year this week and I already have a problem. I thought I would drop a class, but now I can’t find one to replace it. And today’s the last day for add/drop. And I haven’t been to the class that I am dropping yet. Good thing it is only a T/Th class, or I would definitely be screwed.
[sub]Why, oh, why do I do this to myself?[/sub]
Today, I finished the first week of my senior year. It’s scary to think that this May, I’ll be moving all of my stuff away from the dorm for the last time and hauling it to an apartment god knows where. I’ll have to get a job, but what if no one will give me a job? How will I pay for the apartment if I don’t have a job? Dear god, where will I sleep? If I don’t have a job, I won’t have anything to eat either. For the love of Bob, come May I’ll be sleeping in alleys trying to find undamaged canned goods in the dumpster behind the Safeway!
And this is just after the first week of classes. Imagine what I’ll sound like the day before commencement.
Hi, tsarina. I’m jealous of the apartment situation. Curse you, dorms, for being so convenient while managing to suck so much!
Today I finished the first week of my freshman year. I’ve a somewhat demanding schedule and the pressure of maintaining a 3.0 or else lose my scholarship and be forced to leave school for lack of funding, so I signed up for a “fluff” course - French at a level I already took in high school - to get me an easy A for a 4-hour course and help my GPA. I missed half the classes this week already. Way to start off the year.
I’m having “adjustment problems” but most of my classes are quite enjoyable, especially Mass Media and the other communications courses (I’m glad that’s my major!). Of course, then there’s English Comp, in which my prof is an ex-Black Panther and damned feminist hippie who picks on me for being a Yankee.
Juniper2000, I’m already worrying about the same things as you, although in my case it’s because of hte very real threat of having to drop out of college (my parents have told me in no uncertain terms that they will NOT take me back under those circumstances)…