aiff to mp3 conversion

A look at altavista seems to say that I’m a nonconformist.

I need to convert a few aif files to mp3. Is this do-able? With something that I can download for free, even?

Argh (sick o’ search engines).

What platform are you using? I’m on a Mac, and I believe SoundApp is freeware and can convert aiff to mp3.

If you’re on a PC, then I guess you’ll have to wait for someone else to peek in.

An audio editor will be able to do the job. I fired open my copy of Goldwave to make sure it supported aif. It does. Just make sure you also download the LAMEwin32.exe file from the same page for MP3 support.

Goldwave is fully functional shareware. You’ll be able to do your conversions without buying it. It you want to register it, I think it’s $40, which is a good deal considering its capabilities.