AiG: Believe in god OR YOU WILL BE SHOT IN THE FACE (+Brian Rohrbough and shootings)

Holy shit:

Litterally, holy pompous idiotic bullshit.

I thought Brian Rohrbough was a moron, but at least he was a grieving moron, which is sort of excuseable.

He was on CBS news last evening. I pretty much just gaped at the screen throughout his segment. It’s too bad he didn’t tell the Amish about this.

The really irritating part is that CBS told Bill Maher that he, and atheist, couldn’t give his perspective on religion: that it was not an acceptable topic for him to talk about. But giving the religious nutjob bigoted perspective on the non-religious is apparently totally fair game.

Wow… :eek:

I read the first link and got to the bottom to find this.


What a wonderful way to say this. It absolutely made me smile, or not…
Mostly not…


I’m not sure any text can be as bad as the graphic of a kid pulling out a gun and pointing at you coupled with the headline of “if you don’t matter to god, you don’t matter to anyone.” BANG!!!

I have to wonder just how honest the Answers in Genesis folks are being. Do they really believe what they’re saying, or are they just using every cheap argument they can?

I’m not really impressed with the blog that’s linked to in the OP. The guy doesn’t offer any cites, which makes him come off as really annoying because he says he’s offering empirical evidence.

Why do young men hijack airplanes and crash them into buildings? From New York and Washington to Bali to Madrid and London, today’s newspapers report stories of young men filled with faith, with a fanatically inflexible sense of right and wrong, who end up destroying the lives of others with the push of a button.

In Algeria, in Afghanistan, in Chechnya, in Iraq and Iran, in India and Pakistan, in Uganda, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed because of differences in religious belief; over 12 million women and girls in Saudi Arabia are deprived of the most basic human rights in the name of God.

The world is embroiled in senseless violence because some people accept ancient texts as the absolute word of God. Is there any hope? Is there any truth? Are there answers?

We are inundated with faith-based messages every day. Messages intended to inject religious dogma into the fabric of our society, our lives, our thoughts.

If morality is whatever God says it is, then if God tells us to kill our fellow human beings, by definition killing is moral–and not killing is immoral. Why should we listen to the pleas of unbelievers when they ask for mercy or kindness? The only thing that matters is obedience to God, whatever the cost.

But secular humanism says something very different. Science tells us that we are all kin to one another, and indeed kin to all living things on Earth.[sup]1[/sup] As best as we can tell, we are alone in the Universe–there is no higher power we can blame for how we treat one another.[sup]2[/sup] We are responsible for our actions whether they be violence, prejudice, anger or hate. Natural selection has given us the power of language, of reason, and of abstract thought; to question who we are, where we came from, and to seek out our true place in the Universe; the ability to form intricate cultures and sophisticated philosophies.[sup]3[/sup] We are not only all brothers, but alone among all the creatures formed by evolution, we can know that we are all brothers.

You can think for yourself! There is hope! There is truth! There are answers![sup]4[/sup]

Yeah, what *he *said.

Bravo MEBuckner.

That was a thing of beauty.

I like your thread title. I think it would make a great bumper sticker.

I’m thinking of having one made up that says, “Warning! In Case of Rapture This Vehicle Will be the Party Wagon to Hell.” :smiley:

Ah, but “Believe in God OR YOU WILL BE SHOT IN THE FACE” is just so much more… direct. :slight_smile:

I prefer:


I have one that says “Jesus Loves You. Everybody Else Thinks You’re An Asshole.”

Interesting typo. Litter indeed.


I don’t even understand the point he’s trying to make, especially by including the Amish shooting in it. By all accounts, both the shooter and his family (his wife was at a prayer meeting when the shooting happened) and the people who got shot were fairly religious folk. So what the fuck point is he trying to make here?


Dogmeat is very obviously a poster here. What’s your SDMB handle? Come on, show yourself!

I post there sometimes, but dogmeat ain’t me. Why do you think that person is a SDMB person?

First off, props to MEBuckner for that ringing statement!

Secondly, as has already been observed, the shooter was religious and his family was religious and his community was religious and his victims were pious members of a religious subculture.

It’s clear that no sane connection can be drawn between this shooting and the teaching of evolution.

Does Brian Rohrbough hold his opponents – does he hold his listeners – does he hold himself in such contempt that he imagines he can assert such a patently false claim and not simply be laughed at?

How have we, as a collective public, allowed public discourse to degenerate so far that anyone could entertain the idea that we’re that stupid and gullible?
