Al Sharpton uses masturbation euphemism at political gathering

“The way to move a donkey is to slap the donkey,” Sharpton, warming up for the debate, told delegates at the state party convention Saturday afternoon. “I’m going to slap the donkey until the donkey kicks and we are going to kick George Bush out of the White House.”


This is not in the pit because Sharpton is too pathetic to get angry over.

I’ve never heard that as a euphemism for masturbation. What’s worth getting mad about?

Besides, the donkey is the symbol of the Democratic party.

For those of you that aren’t familiar with Mr. Sharpton, you can see a picture of him here.

Marley23, I’m not angry at this specific incident, but I am no fan of Al Sharpton.

Put “slap the donkey” into google…

I’m not a Sharpton fan either.

Okay, I googled. Mostly I see tips on playing Donkey Kong, but I get your point. Two things to keep in mind, though: ANYTHING can be used as a euphemism for masturbation, and maybe more importantly, what he said actually makes sense if you take it at face value instead of as a juvenile joke.

If you want to hate Sharpton, pick a real reason.

Now I have the image of Al Sharpton masturbating stuck in my brain.

Anyone have an icepick I can borrow?

For heavan’s sake I’m making a JOKE. I think what he said sounds pretty funny, and he should have realized its potential. People in the public eye sometimes say things that come out wrong or have double meanings…granted I should have left off the reference to the pit.

Yes, that might’ve helped. All that aside, it IS funny. The way it was phrased, or maybe it’s just me, made me think you were serious. :stuck_out_tongue:

Everything settled, I hope? There’s a lot to laugh at with Mr. Sharpton. :slight_smile:

There are several reasons to get angry about Al Sharpton. Masturbation is not one of them.


They should get that jerkoff the stage.

That Al Sharpton – politician and inadvertent comedian, he’s a jack off all trades!