Alarm Clocks

Nah, Laurange, I’m in the same situation, and it works out OK. I just account for the time adjustment in my head, set the alarm for when I want to be up, and get out of bed when it goes off. He fumbles with the snooze button five or eight times, and then finally stumbles out of bed. Meanwhile, I’ve had the shower all to myself, and don’t feel guilty about hogging the only bathroom in the house.

But I do hate that snooze when I don’t have to get up; I’m awake for eight minutes and finally asleep for one, just to start that infernal cycle all over again.

Y’all are overlooking one of nature’s greatest gifts, an immutable law of the universe, a concept so basic that all of world politics should be built on its foundations. I understand NASA has even measured the precise dimensions of this unchanging constant of the universe – that the soft oogy warm cloud-like snuggly factor of a mattress increases geometrically at the precise moment when one needs to get ready for work.

There is no pleasure greater, no sin so seductive, no averice so wonderful, as the knowledge that one may jump back into the warm and loving arms of Sterns and Foster for another nine minutes. Repeatedly.

Hey, it was even in the Bible! It was the first commandment. Except some bozo replaced the word “Mattress” with “God.” Idiot.

I cannot reccomend highly enough getting a dawn simulator. They are alarm clocks that wake you up by gradualy brightening the room over a half-hour, which allows your body to wake up on its own rythm, rather than pulling you aggresively out of your sleep.

[…looking at TDN…]

Soft and oogy?

[loud Klingon voice]


[/loud Klingon void]

I’m ‘fessing up; I’m a snoozer. I looove the snooze button (although I agree with UrbanChic that it’s addictive and I admire her resolve). I do live by myself so the only people I’m annoying are my cats (I guess technically they’re not people tho’ :dubious: ). And, like Liberal’s wife, I always forget to turn it off before I stuble into the shower which is annoying.

The reason I love the snooze button is becasue 9 minutes is just long enough to fall back into a really intense dream state. If I just fall back asleep, I quickly lapse into a deeper non-dreaming state. But with the snooze button, I’m awakened jsut in time to remember my dreams. And I think that’s pretty neat. Although, it’d probabaly be healthier if I just got more uninterrupted sleep overall…

I have recently discovered the perfect thing for alarm clocks. It’s an all news radio station. I find it much better for waking me up. The newsreader at normal volume is a lot less intrusive than music and generally some news item will catch my attention and once I start actively paying attention I am wide awake.

Yeah, warm and oogy is right. It annoys the hell out of me. I can lie there for hours not getting to sleep until the small hours, and the bed feels hard and lumpy, the duvet drapes all wrong, my mind’s racing over pointless stuff… I think things like “Hmm, the hedge out front needs trimming; I wonder if it’s too dark to do it now… shame to waste being awake”

…and then, blam! Alarm going off… hit snooze. Snooze good. Mmm, duvet warm and snuggly. Must stay here. Sleep.

Personally, I’m convinced that the whole world is running about 4 hours fast. My body craves sleep between 4am and noon.

Stupid 9-5 culture.

Ooh, did the widdle Kwingon have a booboo?

Sheesh, I’d give up my most cherished conviction to wake up to a cup of coffee next to me.

See, the problem is that your ooglyizer needs adjustment. You need to set the midnight control to Soft Fluffy Cloud, and set the morning control to Two Thugs Punching You in the Gut. These things often get out of whack. You did remember to buy a mattress with an adjustable ooglyizer, didn’t you?

My lover had the most annoying alarm clock in existence. It played a little tune. It yelled at you, in Japanese. Then it played the little tune faster, and louder. Then it yelled at you some more, still in Japanese. Repeat.

Knowing that this was the most annoying alarm clock in existence, my lover tried to use it sparingly. He would set his regular alarm clock for when he really needed to get up, and the annoying one for when he absolutely needed to get up-this-second-or-he-would-be-late. Some mornings, he would get up with the first alarm clock. Some mornings we’d be treated to the most annoying alarm clock in existence. Some mornings he would get up with the first alarm clock, get in the shower, and forget to turn the most annoying alarm clock in existence off.

After throwing the damn thing accross the room, stomping on it, shoving it into the shower with my lover, and dropping it off the edge of the loft bed, the only change in this alarm clock was that the off handle was bent, so you couldn’t actually be sure whether you had succeeded in turning it off. Finally, I just took out the damn battery and told my lover that I had broken it.


I think you’re approaching “Klarvin’s Law” here…:slight_smile:

Ahh, yes, NPR.

Shrub and Kennedy are mad at each other.

They throw mud at each other.

No, wait! They throw flowers at each other.

Oops, wrong again…they’re throwing FEATHERS at each other.

No! They’re throwing feathers at ME!

Mmm…soft feathers. Just like the ones in my pillow.

I love waking up to NPR in the mozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

I love my snooze button. I have to be at school by 10AM, which means leaving the house at quarter 'till, which means I have to be out of bed by 9:15.

My alarm is set for 8AM.

I’ve been late for class seven times in the last four weeks.
When I was living in my apartment, during the time I was still trying to go to classes, I had an alarm clock set across the room so I’d have to get out of bed to turn it off. That was when I discovered that I’m capable of going back to sleep after almost any kind of disturbance. Later, when I switched to a nocturnal schedule, I was able to wake up, answer the phone, and talk to my mother for fifteen minutes with enough coherency to convince her I’d been up for a while, and then go back to sleep. Of course, attitude probably had quite a bit to do with that.

I’ll have to try setting an alarm on my cell phone next time I absolutely HAVE to wake up on time for something. My mother’s cell rang this morning, and I sat straight up in bed in a panic, convinced I’d overslept and momma was calling me at school or whatever. That was a good half-hour before my alarm was set to go off, too. Major bummer.

I set all of my clocks ahead. I don’t know why it works, but for me it does. Yes, I do know that the clocks are reaaaaaallly set ahead, but it’s sort of a little psychological “buffer” if that makes sense.

I do NOT, however, do the “hitting the snooze button 500 times” thing. And I do NOT use the beep-y part of my alarm clock. I use the radio, and just lay there for a few minutes listening to songs or the news, and that gradually wakes me up.

My little sister does do the “hitting the snooze 500 times” thing, it drives me BANANAS. By the time that 3rd or 4th snooze goes off, I’m ready to go to the nearest Micky Ds and ouzi everyone in sight.

There is just something agonizing about slowly slipping into sleep after being awakened, and then JUST as you doze off, you are YANKED awake, again and again, and again by the brainsplitting beep.

GAAAAAH, how can people STAND this??

I’m a light sleeper. A VERY light sleeper.

I set my clock radio to NPR’s local classical station (there are two NPR stations here, one’s music and the other’s talk and news…the nicest thing about living here). Vivaldi’s Spring will jar me out of sleep. Hell, it’ll even jar me if I’m awake and trying to squeeze in a few more minutes of sleep before the damn alarm goes off.

I guess in the Grand Scheme of Things, though, being a light sleeper is an advantage. Nothing’s sneaking into my den while I’m asleep.

My clock is set 20 minutes ahead. I hit the snooze button (which is four minutes) at least twice, maybe three times. Then I wake up, but don’t actually get out of bed until it goes off again.

When I had a roommate this summer, she would get out of bed when my alarm first went off (she didn’t have her own clock), and put on her makeup in the bathroom down the hall. By the time I got out of bed, she’d already be back and have gotten dressed. It worked out pretty well for both of us. She had enough time fix herself up, and I got to sleep in a little.

That’s how I woke up my ex-husband.


Buy a new alarm clock. And stop wasting time! :wink:

We have a gradual-wake alarm clock. I hate it. I will lie rigidly, convinced I hear the damn thing starting to go off. My husband is a snooze-buttoner, and somehow knowing that that horrible, gradual sound is going to start again in just a few minutes doesn’t bother him. He hits the button four or five times.
Especially on the days when he’s working and I’m not, and I theoretically get to sleep in. Except, of course, for the damn alarm clock going off four or five times.

bramp bramp bramp bramp bramp bramp bramp bramp bramp bramp!