Why is that after drinking small amounts of alcohol (lets say 1-2 beers)
the physical endurance is often severely affected immediately afterwards?
After drinking said amount of alcohol and then go exercising, you tend to be much more easily fatigued and more prone to go out of breath than you normally would.
I don’t know, but I’ve noticed when I drink and then exercise I sweat like a pig.
The only thing that a ‘shot’ seems to help is my aim when I’m target shooting. That could all be psychological since my friend (who is an expert shot) recommended it. It’s only a shot, not multiple shots…
Alcohol is a toxin - if your liver is dealing with the ethanol, it cannot deliver glycogen to your muscles fast enough for exercise. It is also using water, so you are dehydrating faster, and you may be building up lactic acid faster, leading to more rapid fatigue.