We can stipulate that curing AIDS, and preventing new infections, would be a Good Thing.
But I have been passing by these damn ALDO shoe stores for about a year now and seeing just about incomprhensible posters with celebrities (or alleged ones) saying variants of “We can’t be silent about AIDS” or “We can’t be deaf, blind, and dumb about AIDS,” appropriately illustrated with the “artist” having, say, his hands over his ears, or duct tape over her mouth.
Many, many years ago, say, around 1985, I can remember some “Silence=death” campaign of “AIDS activism” premised on the notion that the Right, or an uncaring society, or a puritanical Church, or whatever bugbear, was suppressing knowledge of the AIDS pandemic and how to avoid it because of . . . whatever, embarrassment, disapproval, who knows.
That was in 1985.
Was Mr. ALDO just released from a fishtank in Lincoln Center where he’d spent the last 21 years? Because in that time I’ve heard a LOT about AIDS. And how it’s spread. And how to prevent it. And how to treat it. And how one might eventually cure it. For a good decade it was against the law to make a Broadway musical and not have it be about AIDS. Hell, it’s been two years since Parker and Stone made fun of this now-cliched trope with the “Everyone Has AIDS!” song in Team America.
Who, exactly, is it that Mr. ALDO thinks has been or is or is in danger of being “silent” about AIDS, at this point or in recent memory? What, exactly, are the lacunae of knowledge about the nature and transmission of AIDS that Mr. ALDO is worried about? Does anyone alive (at least, anyone likely to see ALDO’s posters, which admittedly doesn’t include uneducated sub-Saharans) not know exactly how AIDS works and how to avoid it?
Or is someone at ALDO just feeling sad they missed the victimology the first time around and trying to re-capture the self-regarding “activism” of the old days?