I’m not normally someone who makes wild attacks on posters, but sometimes I get the feeling that some people just don’t get it. At all. Case in point is Alex_Dubinsky. He posted a thread in GQ which got closed. He then immediately reposts it with added gems such as
I would agree that samclem could have been a little more erudite and forthcoming in the closing, given that the OP was
us regular rational folk might percieve a problem in replying, as LaLa land is fresh out of WooWoo pills.
Well, obviously preventing the removal of foreskins is such a heroic task, that A-D doesn’t have time for a silly thing like eating. Ye gods, man! Do you realize that while we’re reading this, someone’s being circumcised! This must be stopped!
Amazingly, the second thread is still open in spite of starting with a personal attack on a mod. But obviously our friend Alex does need to learn how to win friends and influence people.
The whole thing would have been avoided if the original thread had been properly closed with an explanation. Just putting “I think this one is better closed” is pretty sloppy.