“Trippy” is exactly what I thought while watching this ep.
I’m so glad we finally got at least a little hint of what happened to Syd right after her fight with Evil Francie. That’s what I’ve been waiting for all season. Although I knew they’d cut the ep just before we got to see what was in room 47, I was still dissapointed when it happened.
Liked David Cronenberg and his assistant a lot. Even more than that, I liked Jack’s reaction to the whole thing. “How… nice for you.”
I absolutely cannot wait to see Will. Next to Irina (oh, how I miss you), Will (and what he represents - Syd’s non spy life) has been the element I feel the show’s been lacking the most this season.
Besides, hello, did you see him? God, he’s even hotter than he was last season, if that’s at all possible. There better be plenty of Will eye candy next week.
I loved the parallel between Lindsay handing Sloane a piece of paper and Sark handing Sloane a piece of paper last season. I also loved that J.J. confirms that there IS an endgame for Sloane. We all knew it, but now we KNOW it.
I can’t wait until next week to see what is going to happen. I’m thrilled that this season has picked up so brilliantly. The beginning was a little slow, but this is phenomenal!
Alot of Rambaldi references in this episode: 47 on the door, the Rambaldi tattoo, and Weiss and Marshall ashing into the Rambaldi clock. I’m sure there’s more than that, but I can’t recall right now.
Anyone else hoping that Anna Espinosa will end up being head of the Covenant? I got to thinking about that after seeing the tattoo on Lazeray’s hand.
The scene on the plane with Jack and Vaughn, and the little glimmer of a smile on Jack’s face - priceless.
Also, the look on Jack’s face during the “facon” spiel by Cronenberg - again, priceless.
I thought the fight scenes during Syd’s dream sequences were a little matrix-ish, but, ehh, I got over it.
The door 47 cliffhanger was a nice touch (a little peek would’ve been nice, though).
My thoughts as to what could be behind door 47: (spoiler tagged, just in case)
It looks like Project Christmas is back. When Syd opened the door - the bright white light, the musicbox playing in the background - it had the feel of a nursery to me. Add to the fact that Will is going to be in next week’s episode suggests that Syd consults with him, since he was involved with its research.
Great episode. I really got the feeling that Jack et al. were about an episode away from creating their own little anti-CIA organization and work against the government.
Julia is really turning into a great character.
Yeah, I thought that was the clock - thanks for the confirm, Rythefly.
Man, someone’s going to have to run down a list of references. What was that tattoo? How many pieces were there of the Rimbaldi device? Were there 47?
How did the episode start? It was my fault that my family missed the first 20 minutes.
If it was just more Last-Episode-Of-The-Prisoner trippiness, it won’t bother me, but there must have been some plot, too – why did Bug have a scrape on her cheek? What was the deal with the clock?
I think all the punishment we saw on Bug’s face was from Syd whaling on her to prop up the Covenant cover story. That by the way was my favorite sequence so far this season. Bug: “I know this won’t be easy for you so let’s get it over with” and then BAM! she’s down. Sweeeet.
The episode started with Sydney waking up in a safehouse (after being rescued in the last episode). Jack, Vaughn, Sloan, and Lauren are plotting to frame The Covenant for Sydney’s breakout (in that same safehouse).
Lauren got the scrape on her cheek because it had to look like she was abducted by the Covenant and mistreated. So Sydney punched her.
The clock? Are you talking about the clock that was used as an ash tray during the poker game? That was the Rambaldi clock. Not sure of its significance though.