I’m sorry, did I say something that could be confused for an attempt at transparency? Disingenuous, perhaps, but certainly not transparent.
At least you won’t be losing sleep anymore.
I had no problem with you getting plastered on your birthday. More power to you, I had a problem with you gettting plastered, annoying most of the people around you, showing us that you are a whitey-tighty guy, and then passing out on your hosts couch. But I do respect you enough that I didn’t join the people in sticking things up your nose.
I’m sorry if your Cheerios are unacceptably soggy, but according to these people, I may be providing the healthiest possible Cheerios recipe.
I’m going to go have a conversation with Snoooopy now about drawing me into things when my better sense had been succeeding in keeping me silent.
Please return to hailing Zenster.
Let’s see:
Up until 2:00 AM the morning before the party, boning out ten pounds of pork to make the +50 Phillipine skewers, check!
Brought, assembled and prepared all the vegetarian skewers besides grilling the kabobs as well, check!
Made a few unsuccessful attempts to have a conversation with Obs, check!
Got hammered on my birthday, check!
Did nothing-mean spirited to anyone at the party, check!
Fell asleep on a couch in an empty room away from the gathering, check!
Did not “pass out” but instead continued to breathe at all times, check!
Had mean-spirited things done to me while I was asleep, check!
I’d still rather be me, “whitey-tighty” (whatever that is supposed to mean) and all, than an ill tempered lout. I am happy to have the friendship of some of the nicest people at these boards. The continued tone of your posting (which this thread’s mama has already requested you to stop) in this thread only highlights your true colors. I’d pity you, but I don’t have the time to spare on such a fruitless effort. You deserve yourself in spades.