All-Star Game 2000 Party!

The Midsummer classic has arrived! Pull up your lawn chair, have an iced tea, and get ready to taunt the ultimate evil–the other league!

Predictions anyone?

I say AL over NL 13-5 in nine innings.

Why the hell is Jeter starting? If Rodriguez can’t start, it’s Garciaparra hands down.

If Griffey can play in the HR Derby, why can’t he at least pinch hit in the All-Star Game?

The player I’m cheering for: Edgar Martinez

Even with all the injuries, I say the AL is still going to smack the NL silly.

Okay, explain the logic here . . .

Vlad Guerrero in left. Sosa in right, Edmonds in center. Andruw Jones as a reserve. Garciaparra as a reserve. Glaus as a reserve.

I don’t think the AL is going to win. I say this with a partial bias, as I am a Braves fan. However.

NL: 7
AL: 5

Griffey probably isn’t starting so he doesn’t run the risk of being injured. Playing defense is a lot harder than swinging a bat.

Hey Kiva!

As much as I detest the All-Star game (not the concept of celebrating outstanding players, of course, but the hype and commercialism of it all), I’ll play with ya!

Prediction- If the NL’s pitching holds, then I’ll say it’ll be a close game, NL winning, run margin of 2 or less. If not, then the AL will win. But then again, so many players are out, it’s not as though both sides are playing to their ability. Aw heck, it’s anyone’s game.

But I gotta agree with you on two things: Edgar Martinez kicks ass, and Garciaparra over Jeter any day.

All right! Baseball fans! IRL only a couple of my friends like baseball. :frowning:

I’m watching the game. Well, now I’m listening to it on the radio. Could the opening ceremony be any longer? And was that music by John Williams?

I think these high score predictions are off the mark, the final will be something like 3-4, IMO. As I type, it’s the second inning, and Jeff Kent (WHOOHOO!) is batting.

iampunha wrote:

He doesn’t have to play defense. All he has to do is be there and pinch hit, and I’ll have a lot more respect for him. That said, the NL probably has a better chance of winning without Griffey in the lineup or the clubhouse.

Whats with all this first pitch hitting?! Patience, guys, patience!

AudreyK wrote:

Audrey, you are an intelligent woman. Glad to have you here! I agree 100% with you on the All Star Game commercialism and hype (and nepotism–why not just call it the “Yankees and Some Other Guys All Star Game”?). But I love baseball, and I love the concept of beating the ENTIRE NL at once.

Kyla wrote:

I don’t know, but did Brandy really have to mangle the National Anthem like that? I know it’s not the easiest, nicest tune to sing, but turning it into jazz doesn’t really help.

I changed channels and missed the National Anthems. I could foresee something terrible happening, and didn’t want to watch. I can see I made the right decision!

When was the last time the reigning NL MVP hit a homer in his own stadium with his coach as the league coach in the all-star game?

And don’t anyone say last year.

One thing I hate about the all-star game . . . it has become not so much a question of who is the best, but who the fans love. Cal Ripken hasn’t had all-star caliber numbers in a while, last season perhaps withstanding. Ignore the homers and Griffey’s really not a very good player. Ignore the game streak and Ripken’s a decent infielder. What he did is nowhere near what Gehrig did.[/rant]

The anthem was disappointing. I kept gearing myself up for high notes (gearing up=plugging my ears) but nothing. Also no canadian national anthem.

iampunha wrote:

Well, I don’t know about the MVP/coach part, but the announcers said that the last time someone hit a home run in the All Star game in their home stadium was 20 something years ago.
What’s with all these errors?

Did anyone notice that it appears to be raining in Atlanta? I wonder if an All Star game has ever been rained out.

It’s really irritating when they go to an interview while something is happening in the game.

Sele did rather well, I must say.

Oh, you mean the guy who was named MVP?

Ha, ha! Bite me, Yankee haters!

Yer pal,

Three months, three days, 3 hours, 34 minutes and 13 seconds.
3765 cigarettes not smoked, saving $470.74.
Life saved: 1 week, 6 days, 1 hour, 45 minutes.

Yeah, the three hits were nice. But look–he’s batting 67 points lower than Garciaparra, and has one more error. Logically, Nomar’s your starter. Even if Nomar had started, and went 0-3, it would have been better than seeing one more Yankee on the field.

Ha, both Jeter and Garciaparra are outclassed when it comes to Alex Rodriguez. Too bad you guys didn’t get to see him play, but I’m sure you’ll get the chance come the World Series.

Regarding Griffey not pinch-hitting, I don’t know what his injury is, but they could be worried about him running the bases/sliding, etc. In the HR derby, he just has to stand there and hack away.

I am quite familiar with ARod, thanks. And I am quite familiar with his team. You know, the one that has an ex-Yankee managing them?

Yer pal,

Three months, three days, 7 hours, 42 minutes and 54 seconds.
3772 cigarettes not smoked, saving $471.60.
Life saved: 1 week, 6 days, 2 hours, 20 minutes.