Well, not entirely. I have noticed that we, the SD community, sometimes tend to come down too hard on posters who exhibit troll like behavior. Certainly, some deserve nothing less. Mr. masturbater comes to mind, and there are some who we all know. But…I have noticed some posters who started off very troll like who have become good posters. ARG220 was one who is now a very good poster who got off on a horrible start. Pasherly seems to be a sincere poster who is learning how to debate, and even CalifBoomer is a lot better than he/she was. The point is, I guess, that sometimes we lable people too quickly. Certainly a true troll will show his colors quickly and repeatedly and should be ignored. ( and shame in the 3 people who have already posted to the “they think they can beat me” thread ) Maybe we should go a little easier on some newbies- at least until they demonstrate they are unwilling to learn. Comments, anyone?
I think everyone deserves a chance, at first. One can usually tell what kind of poster the person will be, within the first few posts. You have to admit that recent events have given all the regulars itchy trigger fingers though.
ARG220, if it helps, I never thought of you as a troll. I didn’t always agree with you, but what the heck, it happens. You have your beliefs and stand by them. I used to be a believer myself, and I know how hard it can be.
I think all you guys can be very, very intimidating. People who put up stupid threads are easy enough to ignore and some Dopester like-- no love-- to jump all over them.
The trolls who really upset me are the ones who butt into a nice enough thread and through it off course. Those guys really burn my butt.
ARG, FWIW, I never thought of you as a troll persay, but in the beginning, you did demonstrate a propensity for stateing and restateing your position without considering oposing views very carefuly. You don’t do that now. I ment it a a compliment. sorry if it apeared differently in the OP, that was not my intention.
Arnold-save your hijacks for the trolls. This is ment as a serious question.