about a year ago on one of the news programs (i think it was DATELINE) they did a story about a revolutionary allergy shot that would go right to the cellular level and cure most allergies-did anyone else see this program? they said this shot would be available in the US around the end of 1999-
did i dream this?
That’s interesting enough, but there have been very effective inhalers out for years now. I used to be a pollen magnet every spring, but about five years ago, my doc gave me a perscription for something called Nasacort. Suddenly the evil curse had been lifted. I haven’t had so much as an itchy eye ever since. This year I decided to try the OTC version; Nasalcrom. So far, no sniffles. I also suggested it to a coworker who has been suffering from sinus headaches & kleenex red-nose-syndrome, and after a few days on the inhaler he is good as new.
Meanwhile, thousands upon millions of people are walking around sneezing & dripping & blowing their noses and generally making the world a tackier place to live in. I wonder why these panaceas haven’t become more popular? Anybody ever tried them and not felt better?
Nasalcrom is not an OTC version of Nasalcort.
Nasalcort is a steroid preparation. Nasalcrom is cromolyn sodium. The steroid preparations have some potential side effects but are very effective. Nasalcrom has almost no side effects but is not as effective as the steroids.
In my experience, a lot of people with mild to moderate hay fever would rather sniff, sneeze, and complain than use a nasal preparation regularly for long enough to benefit.