Alliteration alley

Pet project. Please participate.

Previously proposed? Probably. Pretentious? Possibly. P’shaw.

Posting partners: pick prefix per personal preference, proceed.

Persnickety people prohibited. Plan presupposes pleasant prose.

Peace, pals…

I remember something from second grade about Hippy Hippo the Unhappy Hippopotamus.

Rapidly responded.
Really request ready resources.
Requirements remaining:

Reader reparte,
Rug rash,
rabid rabbits(?)

Roll recordings.

RSG Rchwartz

Ha ha.

Laughs? Listen, lesser losers let lemmings list lyrics!

Linger, let’s let lists lead later.

Let’s last longer, leading lightheartedly.

LSG Lchwartz

Sapient subscribers should share, simpleton sideliners shouldn’t. Sorry!

Relevant read, really resourceful writing.

Quiet quiescence quickly quells quarrels.

Quit questioning my quota of Qs.

Fabulous fun! Figures, for fervid frivolity frolics in fine fora.

I imagine intelligence implies importance, is it instantaneous in insanity or is it insistent in incomprehension?

I’ve intoned intentions of inseperable inconsistencies, instead insisting on ignorance. Is it injust to inspect isolated incidents?

Little ol’ lady got mutilated late last night.

No. Not necessary. Never needed.