Does anyone like to write “prompted poetry”? As in… I give you a list of words and you have to incorporate those words into a piece of writing? Here is an example:
my pillow
tightly held
my breath request
your scent to smell
my heart breaking
no chance taking
a gun
cool metal in my fevered grip
I’m a girl
dilemma hip
original thoughts
like a wolf,
in my mind.
My thoughts spill
I let this go
the fire creeps
in my heart deep
I hunt you down.
Single shot
the pain is over
I dispar
my parents cover
No one sees
the hole inside
killing frees
what I long to hide.
Does that count? If you want really dark shit, just ask me. It’s there, all the time, and yeah, it’s personal. It’s off the cuff but to me, there is meaning. Give me some happy words and I’ll take a stab at “nice” poetry. This just brings out my “dark” side.
words given: delicious, pedestrian, smear, sincerely, crumble, hunger, soul, and plastic
So sincerely I smear the lipstick
upon my melted plastic smile,
grin at the hunger of wanderers,
watch their pedestrian souls crumble,
and laugh when they are swallowed
by the cracks of their beloved sidewalks.
and why do you think
the hungry wanderers deliciously smile
at me in turn?
Here’s my shot.
Walk barefoot
radiate yellow
smiles at the slender girl
fingertips almost touching
realize myth
close eyes and
go back to eden
JoeBlank: Thank you! But you realize there are some here who consider me a newbie so anything I post is shit. Sorry, just can’t get over the PIT. Oh my God that rhymes! But thank YOU. No, yours was not forced. Felt flowing. A part. In tune to you. I like it! And OfficeGirl, you are just way too good at this! No fair! You know the words ahead of time! Just kidding. Let me try to be happy in a poem thread. This is really HARD for me so okay:
my mind calls yellow
it flows out from my fingertips
like strands
tugging at my hips
spilling out along the world
I feel fire
and passion
color, like heat, can radiate
from my barefoot toes
feels like fate
garden of Eden
your hand in mine
is this a myth
that our slender
minds create?
You smile
I echo
we fall
to the carpet
of the leaves
around us
within us
my heart can’t contain
let go the pain
your arms around me
can’t think nor see
is that all this can be?
take my hand again
hold me close
whisper “when”
the earth springs anew
our love shines through
the glass
of the world
from this place
Original sin has no face
within you
There is only us.
You’ve done it again. I love doing this and you do it better than most. How about you throwing out the next words? That way we’re all at the same playing level.
Byz, (do you mind the short nickname?) 450+ posts does not equal a newbie. There are some here who have time to post all day every day. Trust me, you are a valuable reg. Of course that’s coming from someone barely above lurker. OfficeGirl, you’ve inspired us. Keep it up, maybe someone else will join in.
Loosely based on a true story:
pedestrian hungers
lunch across the street
delicious tomato soup to
warm the soul
take out sincerely
car skids
tires squeal
rubber smell
soup cup crumbles
office news
via plastic e-mail:
be wary
police are citing jaywalkers
hefty fine
Wow, Joe, I thought I got dark… words, words… I’m in so many fights right now on the board… I’ll throw out words but won’t post a poem… K? And I don’t mind Byz… that’s what everyone calls me in a post back. Even if they are slamming me I still like it. I’m gonna call you Joe… K?
Okay, that’s what I can see from my desk. Let’s go folks!
Pluto, I stayed away from OfficeGirl’s first list because someone (Byz) had already done a far better job than I could hope for. I think someone has also done well with your list, so I won’t touch it.
Byz, Joe is fine. Your list was hard. Since you said it was the view from you desk I took a little artistic license:
Byzantine sips her coffee
the phone does not ring
the spider is spinning it’s
world wide web
she picks up her pen
sticks it back in the cup
next to the exacto-knife
glances at his photo
his red hair
and goes back to that other planet
that message board retreat
Wow! Way to go, Office Girl! Not quite up to the original (IMHO) but I’m surprised anyone even tried, much less did so well. I’m shocked right out of my facetiousness!
“non sunt multiplicanda entia praeter necessitatem”
– William of Ockham