Oreo was the first to go last Thursday, followed by Oddball, then Simon and finally Marco aka Saddam on Monday. Yes, my dachsund pups have been weaned and adopted. Assuming my piebald Honeybunny would have four puppies, I had lined up three adoptive families before she had her rendez-vous with Parker. Her delivery, while a long 10 hours, did go smoothly without any outside interference. And she was a wonderful and caring mom - still caring [cleaning, playing] until most left our home. It was a pleasant experience.
Do I feel guilty bringing in more dogs into an overcrowded dog country? No, one went to the stud owner who is also my dogs’ vet. Oddball went to a family whose dachshund was dognapped. Simon went to a family just moving into their first house. Marco went to join an old 13 year old Beagle with heart problems. They will all be loved and well taken care of by families I know. I didn’t make any money; I asked if folks would reimburse me for the medical expenses.
Did I do it as a sex education experience for my kids? No, we’ve had puppies [outside dog] and chickens which the dog ate in 30 minutes.
I feel sorta like the Queen of England with three dogs around my feet albeit mini dachs and not corkies. What more can I say other than I love them short little ladies; Auntie Sugar, Mommie Honeybunny and baby Precious.
… and I miss the gang of five. I guess this is the real point in this MPSIMS thread. I miss the outside puppy races when they jump thru the grass in a deadrun, when they would all pile up in my lap to take a nap after playing hard. When they would leap out of the box in the kitchen in the morning when I would come in to make coffee. I miss watching them in the rough and tumble play. I miss watching them grow up.
My god, how will I react when my kids [three all born within 12 months] leave our home to discover the world on their own???