So about, sheesh, 4 years ago I went to a summer art’s program that the state of Vermont runs. It was an amazing experiance that changed my life and helped me find many good friends.
One of the students there, we will call him “John” to protect the innocent, ran an improv comedy group that I was in. It was the first time I ever tryed improv, and loved it.
I also had a huge crush on “John.” He was everything I wanted, kind, but not sacrine, funny, but not “the spot light MUST be on me,” smart as all hell. Nothing ever happened, though, because I was 16 and shy. I ran into him about a year later, and he told me he was working as a nanny that summer. I think we know what happened to SwimmingRiddles then. (puddle of estrogen ensues)
I haven’t seen “John” in three years, he’s going to a fantastic art’s school. I am now involved in a semi-pro improv group, which makes me think of him, the first person to introduce me to improv. I’ve also been kicking around the idea of having a reunion from that art’s program.
Last night I dreamt I ran into “John” again. Now understand that my dreams, as stupid and crazy as this sounds, tend to mean something. The night before my sister invited me to a dinner party some friends of her were having, I dreamed I went to a dinner party at their house. I’ll have a dream about a friend and find out something terrible has happened in their lives. So when I dream about someone, it generally makes me pay attention.
I guess the question is ultimately: am I the only freak out there who can’t seem to forget someone? It’s not like we had a fling, at most it was a flirtatious relationship, and even that’s a stretch. I think part of it is that I have equated “John” with my ideal man, whether or not he deserves that. So, Dopers. Anyone else out there an obsessed nut-case?
A little persistance goes a long way. Announcing:
“I go on guilt trips a couple of time a year. Mom books them for me.” A custom made Wally .sig!