I was talking to a friend on e-mail recently and he honestly thought he was going crazy because he’d had some disturbing dreams of an incestuous nature. I told him that everybody has these (not necessarily the incest, but dreams about people and or objects that we would never in our waking lives harbor any sexual attraction for, repressed or latent or otherwise) and I told him a couple of mine:
—When I was in high school I had two (2)- um— productive- dreams about a girl in my class who, in addition to her gender being a strike against her in my particular orientation, was obnoxious, stupid, and ugly. Even if I were attracted to girls, I wouldn’t have been to her. I still don’t know why she appeared thusly (or at all- we were neither friends nor enemies in school.)
—I once had a dream in which I was making it with a TV character I wouldn’t ordinarily find attractive, and neither would anybody else. In fact I’ll tell-
Mr. Oleson from Little House on the Prairie
Again: WTF?
And of course I’ve had dreams of a sexual nature about friends and the occasional relative that made me wake up in a cold sweat. (I’ll admit I have a Johnny Depp-ish cousin I’ve always had a crush on, but otherwise, Alabama ancestry aside, my kinfolk don’t do it for me and my friends are just that.)
I also dreamed that I was in love with and married to a tree once, but I don’t remember anything about the physical side of the relationship being represented. It was a PG dream.
So have you ever had any particularly weird night visitors?